Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Special Education

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The aim of the study programme Secondary School Teacher Training in Special Education is to prepare teachers for teaching at secondary schools in a combination of two qualified subjects. The study programme consists of field didactics with broadening complementary disciplines. The study programme of Secondary School Teacher Training in Special Education is processed in accordance with the current version of the Standards of the Accreditation Commission for the study programme Special Education. The study field is internally divided into five elective specializations which take into account the different types of disability and one optional specialization concerning specific learning disabilities. Elective specializations consist of mental disability, physical disability and multiple combined disabilities, speech disorders in connection with mental disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment and behavioural disorders. Pedagogical and psychological courses as a theoretical background of field didactics which are connected to teacher practice at secondary schools are an equivalent part of the study. The study programme is implemented in daily and combined study modes and is directly related to the undergraduate study programme Special Education in education specializing in pedagogy.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • use wide professional knowledge and skills of special education
  • use basic communication knowledge and skills
  • use field knowledge, communication skills and educational knowledge
  • apply appropriate approaches in the education of students with SEN (individualized approach, group activities, …)
  • manage class work with students with SEN as a special teacher (special educational diagnostics, individual educational plan, intervention, individualized work and group activities, etc.)
  • suggest and process research concerning the education of students with SEN
Graduation from the course guarantees the acquisition of competences for the education of students with special educational needs (communicative and educational skills, adaptability, etc.) according to Act no. 379/2015 Coll. and its amendment no. 563/2004 Coll. on Teaching staff. The gained knowledge and skills may be applied in the field of special education, education in general, in public administration and management. The employability of graduates is mainly focused on the field of secondary school teaching - this includes mainly special teachers of students with special educational needs at secondary schools such as grammar schools and vocational schools. Thanks to the combination of generality and range of disciplines the graduates have the potential to work in various professions such as in public administration, business management, etc.
Definition of knowledge and skills: general, special pedagogical and specialized.

General knowledge and skills in the field of: Education, Psychology, Foreign language in common core subjects, Research methodology, Internationalization of special education.

Special pedagogical knowledge and skills in the fields of: Psychopathology, Prevention and 3P intervention of students with ADHD/ADD, Strategies in the education of students with special educational needs at secondary schools, Inclusive didactics (I and II) and Inclusive education.

Specialized knowledge and skills in the fields of: Education of students with mental, physical, visual and hearing impairments, behavioural disorders, addictology and specific learning disabilities.

Standard study period is 2 years (4 semesters). To be able to take the final state examination, students must obtain a total of 120 credits in compulsory, elective and optional courses. During the studies students are governed by the Study catalogue of their matriculation year. Access to the study catalogues can be reached through the faculty websites.

Seminar of Teaching practice

Teaching practice 1

Teaching practice 2

Teaching practice 3

For two-field study the teaching practice is stated in the follow up pedagogical and psychological courses (supervised by the Department of Education). Teaching practice is governed by the Manual of Teaching practice (by Bartoňová, M., Pipeková, J. Brno: MU, 2011). Further information: http://www.ped.muni.cz/wsedu

Education and Psychology (common core subjects are provided by the Department of Education and the Department of Psychology).

Thesis defence (the topic should be always focused on special education even if the thesis is supervised by a different department). See Qualification Standards of Special Education for Thesis (http://www.ped.muni.cz/wsedu).

Within the final state examination the student chooses 2 questions from two compulsory courses, 2 questions from selective courses and 2 questions from elective courses (if chosen for the final state examination).

Required part: Strategy of education of students with special educational needs at secondary schools (written exam).

Selective part (one subject): A Education of students with mental impairment, B Education of students with physical and multiple disabilities, C Education of students with hearing impairment, D Education of students with visual impairment, E Education of students with behavioural problems/disorders.

Elective part: Specific learning disabilities

Possibility of extending competences in the field of special education: 4-year doctoral study programme in Special Education.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Special Education
Abbreviation: SP2S
Code: 7506T022
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N7504 N-SS Teacher Training for Secondary Schools
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education
Field guarantor:
prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, Ph.D.