Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in German Language – Field of study catalogue MU
Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in German Language“Janua linguarum reserata” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- Use their language skills at level C1/C2 and can use the language efficiently for social and professional purposes
- describe and explain the regularities of the language including formal-semantic and communication-pragmatic structures of the language and use the methodology of linguistic research
- explain developments in literature, culture and society of German speaking countries, especially in the context of intercultural teaching, being able to apply the methodological apparatus used in literature and education research
- demonstrate knowledge and skills in teaching foreign languages (German in particular) and skills in applying the methodology of research in the areas of education and FLT
- make use of complex university training for teaching professions at primary and lower secondary schools
An increasing demand for university graduates with a profound knowledge of foreign languages besides English is reflected in the business area too. In the last decades, many German, Swiss and Austrian businesses have settled in Czechia, and they can provide significant numbers of relevant jobs for our graduates, especially in cases where there are not enough teaching jobs.
To be admitted to the final state examination, students must collect 120 ECTS points from required, selective and elective courses.
Required courses feature the basic professional knowledge and skills of the field of study.
In Master's degree programmes, students are obliged to get 23 ECTS points in required courses (including practical language).
The structure and the requirements of required courses are identical in both programmes - German studies as a single field as well as in combination with other fields of study. The programmes differ, however, with regard to the number of selective courses that have to be taken by the student.
Selective courses are chosen by the students according to their personal and professional preferences.
The remaining ECTS points should be collected from any courses that are currently open for inscription, both at the Department of German and in the whole of Masaryk university.
It is possible for students to compose their plan of study in each semester by themselves. However, there also is a recommendation for them to follow ("Recommended course of study") regarding especially the required courses. The recommendation can be found in the Study Catalogues.
The system of reflected teaching practice at schools is designed to prepare students to develop their teaching skills and to be able to fully perform the profession of foreign language teacher.
Teaching practice in the follow-up Master's programme builds on the practical training at schools for assistant teachers in the Bachelor's programme. Compulsory courses of teaching practice in the field of study (Teaching practice 2, Reflexion of teaching practice 2 and Teaching practice 3) are described in more detail in Attachment 1 of the Accreditation materials, see above). After completing the teaching practice in the Master's programme, students should be able to work autonomously in the classroom and become, as novice teachers, capable of developing their skills in further practice and further training.
The Master's examination consists of defending the Master's thesis (if it is part of the given field of study) and passing the oral examination in the field of study in question.
The topic of the Master's thesis can be located in any discipline belonging in the field of study, including the disciplines that are shared by all the individual programmes (pedagogy, psychology).
The final Master's examination consists of questions from linguistics, literature and cultural studies and methodology of German as a foreign language.