Special Education - Communication Techniques

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Special education is seen as a science in the field of the special education of individuals who need a special educational approach for their professional and social lives due to their specific educational needs. The aim of the study programme Special Education, Communication Techniques is to prepare experts at Master's level who will be able to work independently in consulting services for children, students and adults with special educational needs with a broad humanities outlook focusing on pedagogical and psychological disciplines. The graduate will be equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical skills at the highest level in the field of speech therapy (education of individuals with speech disorders), education of individuals with hearing impairments or education of individuals with visual or physical impairments. The latest aids and technologies used by individuals with SEN will be used during the students' training for simulations. The study programme responds to the public demands on graduates of the presented study programme resulting from an amendment to the Education Act no. 82/2015 Coll., which takes into account the noticeable shortage of counsellors in schools. The study programme is created in accordance with the current version of the Standards of the Accreditation Commission for the study programme in Special Education. The study programme is implemented in daily and distance study modes. It is internally divided into two levels: A – Special education diagnostics and use of special education diagnostics tools (speech disorders diagnostics, hearing and visual impairment diagnostics, physical impairment diagnostics). B – Communication and stimulation techniques (speech therapy, hearing, visual and physical impairment techniques) with sufficient time devoted to diagnostic and intervention practices. The optional specialization is focused on specific learning disabilities. The common core courses including education, psychology, communication (foreign language) and cultural subjects are also part of the study programme.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • use basic communication knowledge and skills
  • use field knowledge and skills, communication and educational skills and knowledge
  • apply adequate approaches in the education of students with SEN (individualized approach, group activities, …)
  • manage class work with students with SEN as a special needs teacher (special educational diagnostics, counselling interviews, individual educational plan, educational support plan of intervention, individualized work and group activities, etc.)
  • support of class teacher during teaching students with SEN in an inclusive school setting
  • support parents of students with SEN
  • suggest and process the research concerning the education of students with SEN and argue in favour of the chosen procedure
It is assumed that graduates will work in various counselling positions in which they will be in touch with children, students and adults with special educational needs arising from speech disorders, hearing, visual or physical impairment. They will be able to carry out special educational diagnostics, propose and prepare an individual educational plan, manage intervention and special educational counselling, communicate and cooperate with experts on an interdisciplinary level. Graduates will be prepared for cooperation with parents and teaching staff in special and mainstream schools. They will be able to work particularly in the area of school counselling (Act. no. 379/2015 Sb., Amendment to the Education Act no. 563/2004 Coll. on Teaching staff). The graduate’s activity may overlap with the areas of early intervention for infants with various types of disability or counselling for adults with visual impairment, hearing loss, physical impairment or speech disorders.
Definition of knowledge and skills: general, special pedagogical and specialized.

General knowledge and skills in the field of: Education, Psychology, Foreign language in common core subjects, Research methodology 2, Statistics, Internationalization of special education.

Special pedagogical knowledge and skills in the field of: Psychopathology 2, Speech therapy, Education of individuals with visual impairment, Education of individuals with physical impairment, Ophthalmology – functional vision, Inclusive Education, Diagnostical domains for individuals with speech disorders, hearing impairments, visual or physical impairments, Interventional approaches and procedures – simulations for individuals with speech disorders, hearing impairments, visual or physical impairments, Supportive measures for individuals with speech disorders, hearing impairments, visual or physical impairments.

Specialized knowledge and skills in the field of: Counselling, intervention and diagnostics of pupils with specific learning disabilities.

Social Sciences and university foundation: 20 %.

Special Education foundation: 30 %. Medical Propaedeutics: 5 %. Teaching practice: 30 %. Practical skills in the study field: 15 %.

The standard study period is 2 years (4 semesters). To be able to take the final state examination, students must obtain a total amount of 120 credits for required, selective and elective courses (see Standards of Special Education). During their studies students are governed by the Study catalogue of their matriculation year. Access to study catalogues of each matriculation classes can be reached through faculty websites.

Daily study mode:

Special Educational Teaching Practice focused on diagnostics (10x4 hours)

Reflective seminar within Special Educational Teaching Practice focused on diagnostics

Special Educational Teaching Practice focused on intervention (4 weeks)

Reflective seminar within Special Educational Teaching Practice focused on intervention

Special Educational Teaching Practice focused on intervention II (4 weeks)

Teaching practice focused on Specific learning disabilities (20 hours)

Distance study form:

Special Educational Teaching Practice focused on diagnostics (60 hours)

Special Educational Teaching Practice focused on intervention (60 hours)

Teaching practice focused on Specific learning disabilities (20 hours)

Teaching practice is governed by the Manual of Teaching practice (by Bartoňová, M., Pipeková, J. Brno: MU, 2011). Further information: http://www.ped.muni.cz/wsedu

Content of the final state examination:

Education and Psychology (common core content is ensured by the Department of Education and the Department of Psychology).

Thesis defence (topic should be always focused on special education even if the thesis is written at a different department). See Qualification Standards of Special Education for Thesis (http://www.ped.muni.cz/wsedu).

Within the final state examination the student chooses several questions. The required courses make up two parts (A, B), from which the student chooses 2 questions from part A and 4 questions from part B. Furthermore, from the selective part the student picks 2 questions and 2 questions from elective courses (if chosen for the final state examination).

Required part: A Speech therapy and Education of individiuals with hearing impairment. B Special Educational diagnostics (speech disorders diagnostics, hearing and visual impairment diagnostics, physical impairment diagnostics).

Selective part (one subject): Communication and stimulation techniques (speech therapy, hearing, visual and physical impairment techniques)

Elective part: Specific learning disabilities

Possibility of extending their skills in the field of special education: 4-year doctoral study programme in Special Education.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Special Education - Communication Techniques
Abbreviation: SPKT
Code: 7506T035
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N7506 N-SPD Special Education
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education
Field guarantor:
doc. PhDr. Mgr. Dagmar Opatřilová, Ph.D.