English Language and Literature

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This degree study programme is divided into two tracks: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and Literary and Cultural Studies. Each student chooses one track and the focus of their studies is in that track. All students must complete three type A/required courses. The remainder of the programme consists of type B/selective and type C/elective courses that the student chooses based on the track chosen. The student then writes a Master’s thesis based on the track and relevant coursework. With the exception of some courses in translation, all teaching, coursework, and exams in this study programme are carried out in the English language.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • write and speak in English with competence at the C2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • have a deep knowledge of literary and cultural theories and the literatures and cultures of English-speaking countries
  • have a deep knowledge of diachronic and synchronic linguistic theories, including the history of the English language.
  • work independently and conduct critical analyses

Graduates with this degree are capable of complex written and oral expression in English. They have a deep knowledge of the literatures, cultures, and histories of the major English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Ireland, and the Commonwealth countries. In addition to work in the fields of translating, interpreting, editing, journalism, tourism, and teaching at both the secondary and tertiary levels, graduates are well-suited for any profession that demands the ability to think and express themselves independently and critically.


In order to be allowed to sit for the Master’s degree final state examination (AJ29999), a single-subject student has to earn at least 120 credits while fulfilling the following requirements:

Pass Cultural and Literary Theory I and II (AJ20001 and AJ20002) and finish them with exams.

Pass Historical Development of English (AJ20003) and finish it with an exam.

Pass the Exam in English Language (AJ21110 + AJ21120) in the course of the studies or have recognized any of the following:

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (Grade A or B), or

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with grade 8 or higher, or

75 or more points in English proficiency exam as a part of the Bachelor’s degree exam at the Department of English and American Studies, FF MU and pass the English Language Oral Proficiency Exam (AJ11020) with the mark A, B, or C.

Pass six courses within the selected track and finish them with exams.

Gain 40 more credits at the English Department.

Get at least 8 credits for any courses offered at the Masaryk University.

Meet the Faculty requirements concerning another foreign language (4 credits).

Pass Master’s Thesis Seminars I and II (AJ29800 and AJ29801, 20 credits total).

Write and defend the Master’s major (diploma) thesis (AJ29850).

The process of writing a Master’s diploma thesis usually lasts at least three semesters: in the first semester, students prepare for writing and submit assignments in the electronic Thesis Seminar I (AJ29800); in the second semester, they write the thesis and earn credits for that in the Thesis Seminar II (AJ29801); and in the third semester, they finish and hand in the thesis.


The Master’s state examination has two parts: the defence of the Master’s diploma thesis (there is no defence for the Master’s non-diploma thesis) and an oral examination of five books in the student’s chosen track (which must correspond with both the submitted thesis and coursework) selected from the following lists:


In this part of the exam, students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge of the selected texts and to be able to place the texts within a broader theoretical context, and, if relevant, to relate them to the specific research topic(s) addressed in their thesis.


Further studies are possible in the doctoral degree study programmes of English linguistics or English literature.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: English Language and Literature
Abbreviation: AJ
Code: 7310T009
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N7310 N-FI Philology
Faculty of Arts
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Arts
Field guarantor:
prof. Mgr. Jan Chovanec, Ph.D.