Additional studies to expand a professional qualification pursuant to Art. § 6 para. 1 letter b) No. 317/2005 Coll. (to obtain the qualification of a special pedagogue) and Studies in the field of special pedagogical sciences according to § 2 of Decree no. No. 317/2005 Coll. (to obtain the qualification of teacher of children and pupils with SEN)

Additional information about the field of study are unavailable.

Defended theses

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Additional studies to expand a professional qualification pursuant to Art. § 6 para. 1 letter b) No. 317/2005 Coll. (to obtain the qualification of a special pedagogue) and Studies in the field of special pedagogical sciences according to § 2 of Decree no. No. 317/2005 Coll. (to obtain the qualification of teacher of children and pupils with SEN)
Abbreviation: DV20SPODUC
Type: lifelong learning
Degree: žádný
Programme: C9999 C-CV Lifelong Education
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education