Applied Informatics – Field of study catalogue MU
Recommended: Programmes catalogue
Newly accredited study programmes with plans.
Applied Informatics |
This study field is aimed at students who want to gain basic knowledge of informatics and get acquainted with the principles of design and application of information technologies. Students acquire knowledge and practical skills that can be used immediately after they start working. This study field is oriented on the development of software systems and applications of informatics to various related domains. Students may specialise in graphic design.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- explain fundamental principles of computer systems, operating systems, database systems, and computer networks;
- design algorithms and code programmes solving a given problem;
- apply different approaches to work with data and/or computer systems according to given needs;
- explain concepts, models, methods and results of theoretical informatics.
Students can, after the completion of their studies,:
- start work as Bachelor’s degree graduates with the opportunity to develop their qualifications and deepen their actual professional knowledge in accordance with the needs of their employer,
- continue in Master’s Degree Programmes with another specialisation and gain useful interdisciplinary knowledge,
- continue in Master’s Degree Programmes specialised in informatics, including the study of theoretical computer science.
Standard duration of studies is six semesters. In order to be admitted to take the final state examination, students must acquire in total 180 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. Required subjects constitute the basis of the disciplines. Students choose the selective courses according to their interests and intended professional specialisation. During the course of their studies, students should follow the course catalogue for their year of matriculation. The catalogue shows a recommended course of study including suggestions for selective courses. Students can access the course catalogue at the Office for Studies or through the faculty website:
The final state examination consists of a Bachelor's thesis defence and an oral exam aimed at checking the field-related knowledge of the students. Two questions are randomly drawn for each students before the oral exam. The student is allocated thirty minutes to answer these questions in writing. This written preparation is given to the committee and it constitutes a part of the official protocol about the final exam. Committee members are allowed to ask additional questions to the written preparation, and about other topics related to the drawn questions. The final state examination typically takes about thirty minutes, half of which is taken by the thesis defence and half by the oral exam.
More information about the final state exam and the questions can be found at the faculty website:
After the completion of the Bachelor’s studies, students may choose to continue their studies in any Master’s degree programme. It is advisable to prepare for further studies field specifics by selecting wisely the elective courses during the Bachelor studies.