Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Physics

We prepare teachers for your children.

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This study programme's aim is to educate qualified teachers for secondary schooling. The programme is a part of a two-subject future teachers' study and the graduates obtain a professional qualification to teach physics and the second subject in secondary schools. The study gives education both in physics and in special didactic-methodical subjects, and through courses in pedagogy and psychology the graduate is fully qualified to work with young people. Practical teaching experience is obtained through obligatory pedagogical training at secondary schools supervised by highly experienced secondary school teachers.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • teach physics at secondary grammar schools
  • carry out physical experiments, mainly as a complement to school demonstrations, and laboratory experiments
  • describe properly an experiment within the educational process and analyse experimental results
  • identify and solve physical problems in various areas
  • view individual aspects of physics in their historical, social and environmental context
  • use physical information sources and find relevant information
  • choose proper didactic tools in order to communicate physical concepts and theories to make educational process the most effective
  • choose proper methods to test and evaluate educational progress
  • use didactic facilities and stay in touch with new trends of this equipment
  • formulate acquired knowledge comprehensibly and orderly, bearing in mind the type of the audience
Graduates are fully qualified as teachers of physics for all types of secondary and elementary schools. They have practical experience with teaching physics at secondary schools and basic knowledge about managing these types of schools. A combination of these abilities gives them an opportunity to get other jobs where precise thinking, responsible data evaluation and a communicative skill are needed (basic and applied research, universities, work with youth, popularization of science, publishing, etc.).
The standard duration of studies is four semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination, students must obtain a total of 120 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. In the programme Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Physics 22 credits must be obtained for required courses. In the whole future teachers' study 18 credits must be obtained for the required and selective pedagogical and psychological joint courses and 12 credits for natural and social science courses. A diploma thesis is chosen just on one of the two study subjects and students receive 26 credits for its preparation.

During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue for their year of matriculation and Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University: https://www.muni.cz/general/legal_standards/study_examination_regulations. They can access the Course Catalogues through the faculty website.

Two pedagogical practical trainings are required, each of them is rated with 2 credits. The pedagogical training 1 must be completed at the school chosen from the list of selected secondary schools in Brno, the pedagogical training 2 can be done at any secondary school.

A student is supervised by an experienced secondary school teacher. The training consists of sitting in on classes, teaching and taking part in the operation of the school.

Because the programme is one part of a two-subject study, the rules above have to be respected for the second subject as well.

The final state examination in physics consists of two parts: physics and didactics of physics. If a diploma thesis is in physics, the thesis defence is also a part of the final state examination.

The state examination in physics is oral; students randomly choose one wider topic. However, the state examination in didactics has both a written and an oral part. In the written part students are supposed to solve physical exercises at higher secondary school level. Moreover, they have to create a lesson plan for one school lesson. In the oral part of this examination the results of both written parts are discussed.

The thesis defence is usually organized a few days before the oral examination. Within 15-20 minutes students are expected to give a short presentation about the topic of their diploma theses.

The graduation also requires passing the state examination in pedagogy and psychology in a form of a written test.

Because the programme is one part of a two subjects study, the state examination has to be passed also in the second subject.

For the details see http://www.physics.muni.cz/drupal7/?q=node/7

After a completion of the Master's studies, it is possible to continue with further studies in a doctoral degree programme. The most appropriate programme is General Issues in Physics.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Physics
Abbreviation: UF
Code: 7504T055
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N1701 N-FY Physics
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
doc. PhDr. Bohumíra Lazarová, Ph.D.
Field guarantor:
doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Bochníček, Dr.