Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geology

Understand and explain the function of inanimate nature

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Teaching of Geology for Secondary Schools immediately follows the Bachelor degree in Geology with a focus on education. It focuses on acquiring professional qualification teacher of geology at different types of schools, especially in secondary schools. In addition to the extensions of geological education provides students and education of professional didactic and methodical subjects and objects through pedagogical-psychological orientation is also profiled for the profession of teacher and youth worker. The study is designed as a double-subject, assuming that it will be studied particularly in combination with biology, geography and chemistry. Students may choose any combination of fields that are at the Faculty of Science or in other faculties accredited. The study is completed by a state final exam, and if elections also defended the thesis that must be creative in nature and besides vocational aspect must have an educational aspect.

Graduate master's degree field of study Geology for Secondary Schools is fully and comprehensively qualified to secondary school teaching. He has knowledge of basic geological disciplines and understand their mutual relationship and their position in the context of other natural sciences. In addition to general educational psychology and educational disciplines and controls didactics geology, he has basic experience of teaching at secondary school (teaching practice).


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • explain the main geological topics to the high-school students at the level of current knowledge
  • answer questions to them in a broader context
  • prepare professionally and educationally organize field excursions
  • appropriately popularize and explain the geological knowledge to high-school students and the general public.
Graduates are fully prepared to work as a teacher in high school. In addition to education can be expected placement of graduates in this field eg. In various organs of state and local governments (eg. Environmental departments) or in the sectors requiring contact with the public (including various cultural-enlightenment institutions).
It is a study of two fileds, one from the fields is geology and the second one could be chosen arbitrarily.

The standard duration of the study is four semesters. To access the final state exam, students must obtain a total of 120 credits for compulsory, elective and optional subjects of both fields. The student must meet all mandatory and some of optional subjects so that the total credits for all subjects in the both field was at least 120. During the course of their studies students should follow the "Study catalogue" for their year of matriculation. They can access the "Study catalogues" through the faculty website.

Mandatory part of the study is teachich practice, there are also practical exercises to compulsory courses, optional components are field exercises and excursions.
State final exam consists of two parts: 1) a theoretical examination in both two fileds - usually oral exaination and 2) the defense of the thesis on a topic that involves either geology or the second field.

Theoretical knowledge test covers compulsory subjects.

Diploma theses in geological field may be submitted in Czech, Slovak or English language.

Some graduates can continue in Ph.D study.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geology
Abbreviation: UG
Code: 7504T061
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N1201 N-GE Geology
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
doc. PhDr. Bohumíra Lazarová, Ph.D.
Field guarantor:
doc. RNDr. Marek Slobodník, CSc.