Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and Cartography – Field of study catalogue MU
Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Geography and Cartography“We prepare geography teachers for your children” |
In addition to the geographical and cartographic education, students are also trained in didactics and methodology; the courses of general pedagogical-psychological specialization prepare students for the professions of educationalists and youth workers. The students receive teacher training at secondary schools from experienced teachers - this is a compulsory part of the studies.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- teach geography at secondary schools
- select appropriate teaching methods and techniques to streamline the educational process
- select and use appropriate routine methods of student assessment
- use didactic technology (including ICT) and be able to adapt to its development
- articulate clearly and in a sophisticated way with regard to the knowledge-level of the audience
The Master's thesis is worth 26 ECTS credits regardless of which branch (of the two) students choose.
During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue of their matriculation year. They can access the Course Catalogues of the individual matriculation years through the faculty web pages.
The state examination in Geography has only an oral part in which students draw two general topics. The state examination in Didactics of Geography has an oral and a practical written part. In the oral part of the Didactics of Geography students answer general questions. In written - practical - part they demonstrate the obtained skills and knowledge by solving tasks and problems at the secondary school level. Then the results are discussed.
For the final state examination in Didactics of Geography the students present a personal portfolio of works (eg. class preparations, project proposals, essays, and others) which show the specialization of students in teaching geography.
A defence of the Master's thesis is a discussion during which the candidate introduces the subject of work, solved problems, methods employed to solve the problems, and the results obtained. Students react to comments contained in the assessments of the supervisor and external examiners, discuss the prior specified topics, and answers questions raised during the defence.
The obligatory part of graduation is also the state examination in the common pedagogical-psychological basis, which is a written test.
Since this is a part of double-subject studies, students must pass the state final examination also in the second study programme.
More information can be found on http://geogr.muni.cz/magisterske-studium#uz