Polish Language and Literature – Field of study catalogue MU
Polish Language and Literature“Discover Poland and its cultural heritage.” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- communicate in the Polish language in a written and an oral form at a C1/C2 level
- work with various types of texts, analyse them and translate them from/into Polish
- explain and apply deeper theoretical and methodological knowledge of linguistics, literary theory, and other related disciplines
- explain and apply (in theory and in practice) the grammar of the Polish language in its synchronic, diachronic, and comparative aspects
- apply thorough knowledge of Polish literature, culture, and history and the development of Czech-Polish relations
- analyse and comment on current political, social, and cultural issues in Poland, in the context of Central Europe
- work independently and critically analyse information
During the course of their studies, students should follow the study catalogue valid for their year of matriculation. The study catalogues for the individual years of matriculation are available at the Faculty of Arts website.
The Master’s final state examination is preceded by the Master’s thesis defence. The main body of the Master’s thesis has to contain at least 140,000 characters. The individual writing of a Master’s thesis under the guidance of an experienced supervisor provides concrete training for a possible doctoral study programme; at the same time, it provides a chance to examine the knowledge and skills students obtained in the course of their study programme. The Master’s thesis defence takes places before a committee in the form of a thesis presentation and a subsequent discussion.
For more information, please visit the department website: http://www.phil.muni.cz/wusl/home/studium/informace/statni-zaverecne-zkousky-a-zaverecne-prace/pozadavky-a-okruhy-k-statnim-zaverecnym-zkouskam/