History – Field of study catalogue MU
History |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- understand context, be familiar with the basic methodological approaches, and be able to define key terms in historical development
- demonstrate being well versed in the literature, work with sources and interpret them, and show a command of the basic methodology of historical research in their written work
At the end of the programme, students sit the Bachelor’s final state examination, which can only be taken by students who have earned a total of 180 credits as follows: a) 106 credits for type A/required and type B/selective courses, 64 credits for type C/elective courses from history courses or courses offered by other departments, 10 credits for courses common to all students of the Faculty of Arts (philosophy, physical education, and a foreign language) for the single-subject degree; b) 90 credits/80 credits for history courses for the double-subject thesis/non-thesis degree, and 10 credits for courses common to both subjects.
During the course of their studies, students should follow the study catalogue valid for their year of matriculation. The study catalogues for the individual years of matriculation are available at the Faculty of Arts and Department of History websites.
Through their thesis, students demonstrate their understanding of a particular topic and their ability to work academically under the guidance of a professional supervisor. The understanding of the topic and the level of presentation of the topic are assessed at the viva.