Baltic Languages and Literatures – Field of study catalogue MU
Baltic Languages and Literatures |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- talk and write fluently on any topic in the first chosen language (Lithuanian or Finnish), i.e. to use it in any functional style (scientific texts, newsletter, belles lettres, etc.)
- read scientific and popular texts in the second chosen language, i.e. Lithuanian, Finnish, Estonian, or Latvian
- analyse any grammatical issue of modern Lithuanian, Finnish, Estonian, or Latvian
- analyse texts written in Baltic languages from a linguistic and literary perspective
- demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the cultural history of the Baltic region from the very beginnings of the written culture to the 20th century
There are two versions of the Baltic study programme to choose between: BALTISTIKA (L), with Lithuanian being the main subject of the study programme, and BALTISTIKA (F), with the main subject being Finnish. Students must also choose Estonian or Latvian as their second language, which is taught at a lower degree than Lithuanian or Finnish.
BALTIC STUDIES AS A DOUBLE-SUBJECT STUDY PROGRAMME. In the first year, students must attend several methodological seminars on general linguistics, literary theory, history, and ethnography. Studies of the main language consist of the following groups of courses: A - grammatical system (four semesters, starting in the 3rd sem.), B - exercises in grammar and communication (six semesters, starting in the 1st sem.), C - reading (four semesters, starting in the 3rd sem.), and D - drill (six semesters, starting in the 1st sem.). The culture and history of the Baltics is taught in specific ‘geographic’ blocks: Lithuania and Poland, Estonia and Latvia, Finland and Scandinavia, each block consisting of three separate courses (history, cultural history, and home reading).
BALTIC STUDIES AS A SINGLE-SUBJECT STUDY PROGRAMME. The main difference is the requirement to study TWO languages, combinations being Lithuanian-Finnish, Lithuanian-Estonian, or Finnish-Estonian (Latvian is a free-choice subject). The main language is taught in the same way as mentioned above; the second starts in the 3rd semester and has only compulsory courses B and D. Students of the single-subject Baltic study programme must also attend additional theoretical courses on the diachronic development of the Baltic, Slavonic, Germanic, and Finnic languages. Methodology seminars and courses on the culture and history of the Baltics are identical to the double-subject study programme.
At the defence of the Bachelor’s thesis, students present the subject of the thesis, the methods chosen, and the results obtained, and they attend the subsequent discussion with members of the examination board.
The overall examination has three parts: 1) morphology of Lithuanian (or Finnish); interpretation of a Lithuanian (or Finnish) text; and conversation in Lithuanian (or Finnish); 2) history of the Baltics from prehistory to the 19th century (12 questions); and 3) written culture of the Baltics from the early Middle Ages to the 19th century (12 questions).
For detailed information, please visit:
After completing the Master’s degree study programme, students can continue in the doctoral degree study programme in General Linguistics or Indo-European Studies.