Musicology – Field of study catalogue MU
Musicology“Understand music” |
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The study programme consists of training in literary proficiency, communicative skills, and critical thought in the field of theatre, its theory and history, aesthetics, and cultural context. The study programme leads to strong competencies in the active literacies of speaking and writing persuasively, with insight into all institutional forms of theatre and culture with an emphasis on independent work and on accepting challenges, and to familiarity with master creations in drama and all branches of art associated with theatre, i.e. music, painting, architecture, dance, etc.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- comprehend and interpret intonation and rhythm
- define and explain both historical and systematic disciplines of musicology
- analyse, transcribe, and edit written records of music
- characterize, explain, and evaluate different methods of music analysis of chamber and orchestral works
- practically master music journalism and criticism
Graduates with this degree are knowledgeable in the theory and history of music. This competence qualifies them to work in research (academic institutions, archives, and museums), music industry management (electronic media, especially broadcasting, music publishing, and the recording industry), concert management, and music education in comparative art studies and teaching of aesthetic education for high schools. Graduates may find jobs in museums, libraries, and others specialized institutions as well as among the editorial staff (culture) in the media, in recording companies, and in art agencies. Another option is state administration or education, even without a special degree in teaching theory.
The best graduates may continue in a postgraduate Master’s degree study programme, especially in musicology, in cultural management, and in teaching aesthetic education in high schools.