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The Bachelor's programme in Physics allows students to get general education in physics and mathematics. Graduates are familiar with basic experimental and theoretical physics and prepared to study in the Master's study programme in Physics.

The study of physics opens the way to understanding basic concepts, relations and equations of physics, covered in the four semesters of general physics course, it strengthens the student's ability to solve problems in the classical fields of physics. The four-semester long theoretical physics course allows students to get acquainted with the main fields of modern theoretical physics (theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, etc.); it also contributes to the development of skills needed for solving elementary problems in these fields of physics. Laboratory exercises prepare students for independent experimental research and they cultivate their abilities to analyze the measurements, estimate the corresponding experimental uncertainties, and interpret the results. Within several seminars and especially within the Bachelor's thesis research project, the students learn to present and discuss the results of their own research.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • understand the basic notions, relations and equations covered in the four-semester general physics course, and solve problems in the corresponding fields of physics
  • show knowledge in the fields of modern theoretical physics covered in the four semesters of theoretical physics course and solve elementary problems in these fields of physics
  • perform simple physical experiments, analyze their results, estimate the corresponding experimental uncertainties, and interpret the results using knowledge obtained in the theoretical courses
  • present results of her/his own research and participate in the discussion thereof

The graduates of this study programme are prepared to study for the Master's degree in Physics. Considering the relatively universal character of physics education, they will also find good employment opportunities in various institutions conducting basic and/or applied research, and also in positions not directly connected to physics, where they can use their physics, mathematics and computer skills and the ability to combine them, developed within the study programme of Physics.


The standard duration of studies is six semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination students must obtain a total of 180 ECTS credits for required, selective (either Electronics and Electronics Laboratories, or Introduction to Quantum Mechanics of Molecules and Solids and Condensed Matter Physics Laboratories) and elective courses. Prerequisites for assigning students the Bachelor's thesis are (a) passing successfully all required courses within the first three semesters and (b) obtaining at least 90 ECTS credits.

During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue for their year of matriculation; they can access the Course Catalogues through the faculty website.


Practical training (several alternatives) is listed among elective courses.


The final state examination consists of: 1) the defence of a Bachelor's thesis, 2) physics exam, consisting of a written and an oral part. The written part involves test tasks in physics and one longer problem to solve. At the oral part, a student is assigned two topics (one corresponding to the thematic group common to all Bachelor's programmes in physics, and one from the group of questions specific to the study programme of Physics). The topics of both thematic groups can be accessed through More detailed information can be found on faculty and individual physical departments web pages.


The students are prepared to continue their study with any physics Master's programme.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Physics
Abbreviation: FYZ
Code: 1701R003
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1701 B-FY Physics
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
prof. Mgr. Dominik Munzar, Dr.