Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Technology and IT Education – Field of study catalogue MU
Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Technology and IT Education“Technical and Information Education is the foundation of our industrial future.” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- expand their basic theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields of technical education (working with technical materials – wood, metal, plastic, electronics and electro technique), information science, pedagogy, psychology etc.
- properly apply different teaching approaches, assess the appropriateness of the teaching methods and justify their use
- be ready to evaluate students' learning outcomes
- teacher of all subjects of a technical and informational nature at lower secondary school set up under the RVP in the educational field People and the world of work (Work with technical material, design and construction, World of work, Operation and maintenance of the household, Work with laboratory equipment, Use of digital technologies)
- teacher of all subjects of information technology at lower secondary school set up under the RVP in the educational field of information and communication technologies.
- Technical education and information, including didactics
- The second study field, including didactics
- Thesis defence
- Pedagogical and psychological foundation for Master's studies
The subjects of the state exam are based on the disciplines of technical education and information, including didactics.