Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Technology and IT Education

Technical and Information Education is the foundation of our industrial future.

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The programme aims to prepare lower secondary school teachers in the general field of technical education and information (a combination of two qualified subjects) as part of the educational fields People and the World of Work and Information and Communication Technologies identified in the Framework educational programme for elementary education. The progamme provides students with integrated knowledge and skills from the field of Technical and Information Education and its didactics, pedagogical and psychological disciplines with the support of current research findings, the skill of reflection on the teaching process at the appropriate types and levels of education, the skill of self-reflection on the teacher's role and acceptance of the moral commitment and ethics of a teacher.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • expand their basic theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields of technical education (working with technical materials – wood, metal, plastic, electronics and electro technique), information science, pedagogy, psychology etc.
  • properly apply different teaching approaches, assess the appropriateness of the teaching methods and justify their use
  • be ready to evaluate students' learning outcomes

Potential occupations of graduates include:

- teacher of all subjects of a technical and informational nature at lower secondary school set up under the RVP in the educational field People and the world of work (Work with technical material, design and construction, World of work, Operation and maintenance of the household, Work with laboratory equipment, Use of digital technologies)

- teacher of all subjects of information technology at lower secondary school set up under the RVP in the educational field of information and communication technologies.


The standard duration of the programme is four semesters. To be able to take the final state examination, students must obtain a total of 120 credits in compulsory, selective and elective subjects. In the programme student should gain 26 credits in specialized subjects, 7 credits in didactics and a total of 14 credits in reflected practice. They should also take three courses related to the final thesis (14 credits).


Reflection on the teaching practice is in accordance with the Framework concepts. The system of teaching practice is long term and systematically directed towards developing the professional skills of the students and preparing them for the role of teacher. Teaching practice in the Master's programme is an extension to the practice implemented in preparation for the role of assistant in the Bachelor's studies. The required courses of teaching practice in a given field (Teaching Practice 2, Seminar for Teaching Practice, Teaching practice 2 and 3) are described in detail in Appendix 1. At the end of practice, a Master's degree student should be able to act autonomously in the classroom and become a novice teacher, whose competence is developed in further education.


The contents of the state examination are as follows:

- Technical education and information, including didactics

- The second study field, including didactics

- Thesis defence

- Pedagogical and psychological foundation for Master's studies

The subjects of the state exam are based on the disciplines of technical education and information, including didactics.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Technology and IT Education
Abbreviation: TE2
Code: 7503T126
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N7503 N-ZS Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education
Field guarantor:
doc. Ing. Jiří Hrbáček, Ph.D.