Czech Language and Literature

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Two-subject combination of the subsequent masters degree programmes of secondary school teaching is assigned to students who finished their bachelors degree studies of the Czech language and literature (specialised in education) of a particular combination of two subjects.

A graduate profile contains: definition of output-competences and skills – general, professional and specialised: - broad expertise, specialised knowledge and skills in the Czech language and literature: a) linguistic part: - learning about the basic language functions, knowledge of the specificity of the Czech national language and its varieties (e.g. the problematic nature of dialectology), its position in the context of other Slavonic (and world) languages, including tendencies of its development (historical grammar) and basic tendencies of the present development; - mastery of the language as of the instrument of practical communication and the prerequisite of a successful education; knowledge of the use of the Czech language in various spheres of communication and in different register, i.e. to be able to stand the test in functional and sophisticated communication within the society; acquisition of communication skills also in demanding types of written texts and competences of their perception; - the competence to analyse utterances from the point of view of their linguistic accuracy and the finesse of style (adequacy, suitability, functionality); - mastery of the principles of the phonetic and grafic part of communication; - mastery of the knowledge and skills in present linquistics (esp. morphology, lexikology, semantics, syntax, phonetics and phonology); - mastery of skills in stylistics (ability to characterise the register and means of expression, orientation in the problematic nature of so-called functional styles and the ways in which they appear in texts); - ability to follow new linguistic knowledge in specialised literature; - mastery of methodology of the subject didactics (focused on linguistic part of the subject); b) literary part: - knowledge of the development of literature in the historical context of thinking, art and culture (division of the literary-historical process into periods, knowledge of connections between Czech and world literatures, contribution and significance of individual writers in terms of topics and means of artistic expression, literary movements, development of literary genres in individual periods of the development of Czech literature); - knowledge of the literary-critical terminology and the ability to use it in one s own work (ability to write a professional text - e.g. review, literary-critical essay etc.) - knowledge of the development of the thinking about literature (literary-critical movements, schools and groupings), knowledge of the basic Czech literary-critical works (including literary history, theory and criticism), ability to follow new impulses in Czech and world literary science; - knowledge of the means of language, composition and topics in a literary structure (problematic nature of the poetics of a literary work) and the ability to use the knowledge in one s own work with a text (esp. in terms of analysis, interpretation and didactic interpretation of the text); - knowledge of the basics of textology (professional work with literary sources and their preparation for publication (editorial work); - ability to develop a creative approach to a literary text, ability to lead students to the perception of a literary work as of a piece of communication, ability to motivate students towards creative, logical thinking and independent problem-solving using a literary text (both in the sphere of literature for children and youth as well as for adult readers); - mastery of methodology of the subject didactics (focused on literary-educational part of the subject).


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • knowledge and skills of the particular field of study, knowledge and skills of communication and education;
  • adaptability in educational activities, possibility to requalify for other jobs within the field of study (e.g. work in scientific institutions, editorial work, work in libraries, literary archives, museum etc.)

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Czech Language and Literature
Abbreviation: CJ2S
Code: 7310T033
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N7504 N-SS Teacher Training for Secondary Schools
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education
Field guarantor:
doc. PhDr. Jiří Poláček, CSc.