Arts for Education

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Students develop their creativity as a precursor to their future educational work and acquire practical art skills, develop their artistic activities and acquire basic theoretical knowledge of the field. They gain an overview of the developmental stages of the history of art, in practical workshops they are familiarised with artistic techniques and they learn the basics of didactics.

One of the distinctive and long-lasting traditions of the Brno department is an emphasis on the introduction of modern art and its mediation to the public. The degree structure offers the possibility of partial specialization depending on the strengths of individual students.

The departmental component includes relevant knowledge and skills, taking into account the development of the field. The learning outcomes of the field component are solid and well-structured knowledge and skills in the domain of artistic disciplines that create a balanced whole practical creative subjects and disciplines of theoretical and methodological. It is based on painting, drawing, graphic design, working with electronic media and spatial design, then art history, art theory and fundamentals of didactics and art mediation.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • reflect on and apply their own creativity and develop the creativity of children and youth
  • demonstrate practical creative skills in different fields of art (drawing, painting, etc.)
  • review knowledge about the developmental stages of the history of art
  • have an orientation in contemporary art and art gallery operations
  • communicate the basics of teaching knowledge and skills
The graduates master the basic art techniques, are able to consciously develop their own creativity and and that of their pupils and are ready to deepen these skills in the Master's degree. They are knowledgable in art history and are able to transmit basic theoretical knowledge and understanding of artistic creation and the history of art. According to §20 of Act no. 563/2004 Coll. on teachers as amended, they can work as a teaching assistant, instructor in free-time centres, as an educator in youth centres, educator in after-school clubs, or in various civic associations involved in educational activities.
The contents of the final state examination are as follows:

- Art including field didactics

- The second study subject including field didactics

- Bachelor's Thesis Defence (for one field of study)

- Pedagogical and psychological foundation for Bachelor's degree

The subjects of the final state examination are based on the disciplines of arts and field didactics.

Thematic areas for the Bachelor's examination:

- Art history, contemporary art, art and theory of art, graphics, drawing, painting, object, ceramics, graphic design, new media

From the above areas specific questions are drawn up which test the students' knowledge, and these are administered in electronic form in the final Bachelor's examinations. The test is designed for each candidate individually while maintaining a proportional structure of questions from various topics and of a suitable level of difficulty. Some questions are accompanied by visuals.

After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue in any Master's degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements). At the Faculty of Education students can apply for admission to a follow-up Master's degree in Art Education, Gallery Pedagogy and Art Mediation, or Visual Arts.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Arts for Education
Abbreviation: VV3S
Code: 7504R235
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B7507 B-SPE Specialization in Education