Mathematics with a view to Education

We prepare teachers for your children

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This study programme forms a part of double-subject course and constitutes the first level of university studies leading to a teaching qualification for secondary schools. It provides general mathematical education. The objectives of the study programme contain the preparation of graduates for the follow-up Master's degree programme of Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics, but due to the comprehensive mathematical education and the basics of pedagogy, methodology, and psychology, the graduates can find employment even outside the area of education.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • show knowledge of basic mathematical concepts and scientific theories
  • use mathematical information sources to find relevant information
  • understand well the basic ideas and concepts of general didactics, pedagogy, and psychology
  • continue to study applied didactics, pedagogy, and psychology in the follow-up Master's degree programmes
The graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme will be able to use their knowledge and skills in practice in a number of positions due to their professional abilities, level of adaptability, IT literacy, and creative approach to work.

Although graduates are not fully qualified teachers, their education is practical, and can be used for activities aiming at the general public, applied at secondary and primary schools in conducting special seminars for gifted students, preparing these students for the Olympiads, competitions, and entrance exams to universities. The obtained knowledge and skills will ensure that after finishing the Master's degree programme the graduates will be able to teach mathematics at secondary schools with sufficient insight and qualification.

The standard duration of studies is six semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination students must earn in both fields of this double-subject course at least 180 ECTS credits for compulsory, selective and elective courses. In this study programme students must obtain 74 ECTS credits for subjects belonging to the study programme of Mathematics, 12 ECTS credits for the common parts of the double-subject studies, and 2 ECTS credits for peactical training. The students choose their Bachelor's thesis in one of the two programmes of their double-subject course, and they earn 10 ECTS credits for the thesis.

During the course of their studies students should follow the Course Catalogue and the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University. They can access these documents through the faculty website.

The students are required to participate in the practical training at one of the selected secondary schools in Brno. This training consists of short presentations, sitting in on classes, and involvement in the running of the school.
The final state examination consists of an oral examination in Mathematics. If a student has chosen the Bachelor's thesis in Mathematics, its defence is a part of the final state examination. Since this is a part of a double-subject course, students must pass the final state examination also in the second study programme.
After completion of the Bachelor's study programme it is possible to continue (after satisfying the admission requirements) in the directly related branch of 7504T089 UM Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics. After the graduation (in combination with another study programme), the graduate becomes a fully qualified secondary school teacher.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Mathematics with a view to Education
Abbreviation: UM
Code: 7504R015
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1701 B-FY Physics
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science