Chemistry – Field of study catalogue MU
Recommended: Programmes catalogue
Newly accredited study programmes with plans.
Chemistry“Chemistry is a powerful wizard” |
The general Bachelor's study programme of Chemistry prepares highly qualified specialists possessing basic theoretical and practical knowledge in all chemical disciplines, namely inorganic, organic, analytical, physical chemistry, and biochemistry. The programme aims to prepare students for either continuation in Master's studies of any of the chosen chemistry disciplines or for a job in industry or commercial companies. Graduates become qualified to handle highly toxic chemicals in compliance with the Law no. 267/2015 Sb.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- use theoretical knowledge and practical skills, based on current scientific findings
- carry out experiments in a chemical laboratory and safely handle chemical substances
- analyse experimental results with the use of instrumental and computational methods
- work effectively with chemistry literature and database, and search for information
- understand ethical criteria of scientific work
- demonstrate professional language skills in the field of chemistry
- publicly present and defend the results of their scientific work
Course graduates are qualified for basic and applied research, for managerial professions and for all spheres where both theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry is required.
If students are not willing to continue with a Master's degree programme, they can find, thanks to their knowledge of chemistry, computer and language skills, a variety of jobs in chemical laboratories in all areas of basic research, development, business sector, state management, health care, pharmacy and food industry, as well as in management of production, manipulation, matter controlling and disposal of chemical materials in both Czech and foreign companies.
During the standard period of three-year studies students undertake two levels of lectures in the fundamentals of chemistry, accompanied by seminars and relevant laboratory classes. Required courses comprise course C7777: Handling Chemical Substances, lectures and seminars in mathematics and physics, and lectures and laboratory classes in the core disciplines of chemistry. Selective courses are also part of the study plan. Specialized elective courses are chosen by students according to their future specialization plans. Detailed information about credits distribution among required, selective and elective courses, as well as recommended study plans can be found in the Course Catalogue for the given year of matriculation. Students choose the topics of their Bachelor's theses from the list of topics offered by given chemistry departments. The theses are written under individual supervision from the teaching staff.
The standard duration of studies is six semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination students must obtain a total of 180 credits for required, selective and elective courses within their field of study.
Students choose topics of their Bachelor's theses from those offered by the Department of Chemistry and Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, taking into account their specializations.
The final state examination comprises the defence of a Bachelor's thesis and written exams in general and physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and biochemistry. Relevant knowledge can be obtained by completing all required courses of the study plan. Lists of exam topics for individual courses are available at
Bachelor's degree is the first university degree and enables graduates to continue with their higher education in a Master's programme. After acquiring basics of chemistry, students can specialize according to their choice of future Master's studies in inorganic, analytical, organic, material, physical, structural, and environmental chemistry studies. Graduates are also prepared to study chemistry at foreign universities.