Mathematics for Education

Whatever you teach, make sure that it is clear truth. (Comenius)

Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, double-subject, Czech, 3 years 
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During their studies, the students are acquainted with the elements of contemporary mathematical disciplines (geometry, algebra, differential and integral calculus) and of the disciplines related to them. The teaching material is presented in such a way that it provides an understanding of the architecture of the individual mathematical disciplines on one hand and also an understanding of the relationship between mathematics as science and the school subject called mathematics.

The objective of the study is especially the preparation for the master track of teacher training for mathematics teachers. In the part of the studies common for mathematics and the other subject, the students receive training in psychology, pedagogy, and general didactics. The graduates are thus sufficiently qualified to become teaching assistants.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • Develop and in practice apply the basic professional competences of a mathematics teacher.
  • Enrich and improve their theoretical knowledge in mathematical analysis, algebra, geometry, discrete mathematics and probability theory during the follow-up master degree programme
  • Develop their theoretical knowledge and apply them in practice.
  • Transform their mathematical knowledge didactically into the elementary school teaching of mathematics
  • Develop further the theoretical knowledge in mathematical disciplines through self-study and through courses for further education of teachers.
  • Continue in the doctoral studies in pedagogy with the focus on mathematics teaching at elementary schools.
  • Fruitfully use the acquired knowledge in the common pedagogical disciplines(pedagogy and psychology) when working as a warden in a hall of residence or after school clubs
  • Communicate in a foreign language on a basic level and thus contribute to the international character of education.
The graduate is trained at the basic level of professional education with a didactic component and is ready for Master's level studies in teaching mathematics. According to the law about employees in the education sector, the graduate may work as a teaching assistant, instructor in free-time centres, as a warden in a hall of residence, as an instructor in after-school clubs, or in various civic centres devoted to education and mentoring. The graduate can also be employed anywhere where mathematical thinking is required.
The standard study time is 3 years. Lessons in a foreign language form part of the study, while it is supposed that the student is able to use at least one foreign language at level A2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference), where the teaching provided by the university starts.

The mathematical part of the study plan includes findings and competences in mathematics with regard to their development and mediation. In the mathematical part, the output of the teaching is consolidated and structured knowledge and competences in mathematical disciplines: algebra, geometry, mathematical analysis, discrete mathematics, and probability theory. The extent of the teaching content is adapted to the number of classes determined for Bachelor's studies, which is on average seven lessons per week. The students use the methods of individual disciplines with understanding.

The didactics of the subject is devoted to the development of didactic knowledge about the content, which enables the graduate to think about the content from the point of view of mathematics itself as well as its mediation in the context of school teaching as well as after school and leisure activities. The gained knowledge forms a theoretical basis in the preparation of future teachers and is necessary for the ability to didactically transform the subject matter.

Reflected pedagogical practice provides the students with contact with the educational reality at schools and contributes to their professional socialization – the emphasis is put on reflecting practical experience, with regard to both parts of the studies, i.e. the subject and its didactics on the one hand and the pedagogy-psychology foundation on the other. The teaching practice is conceived of as a compact and intensifying system with the emphasis on the connections to theory and reflection and self-reflection of the student in the role of a teacher. The system of teaching practice is designed in such a way that it would systematically and over a longer period of time lead to the development of professional competences of the students and would prepare them to be a full-time assistant of a teacher.The system of teaching practice is designed to develop professional competences, in compliance with the hierarchy of professional development needs of assistants and teachers and also in accordance with their subject specialisation. The system of practical teaching is a centralised organisational structure, in which the student opts either for Assistant practice, focusing on one-to-one teaching, or on assisting the teacher at school. On the basis of the guidance of the guarantee of the subject, the student may also focus on other educational activities at school clubs or another institution. The experiences from the teaching practice are reflected upon in experience-based seminars at the faculty, in parallel with all the teaching practice. The practical part of the education starts in the third semester of the studies.
In order to graduate, the student has to pass the final state examination. The contents of the exam are the following:

- Mathematics including didactics.

- The other subject including didactics.

- Bachelor's thesis defense.

- Elements of psychology and pedagogy for Bachelor's level.

The themes and questions for the state examination in mathematics and didactics belong to the elementary mathematical disciplines and the introduction to the didactics of mathematics. This part of the exam is only oral. In the didactics of mathematics part, each student will draw one task from school mathematics and will analyse it didactically. In mathematics, each student will draw a question from each of the following areas: mathematical analysis, algebra, geometry, combinatorics, and probability theory.

The graduate of the Bachelor's track may theoretically (when complying with the conditions) continue in studying any Master's track. The Bachelor's track combining two fields with a view to education may be continued especially in the Master's track Teacher training for primary and lower secondary schools, combining two school subjects.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Mathematics for Education
Abbreviation: MA3S
Code: 7504R015
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B7507 B-SPE Specialization in Education
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education
Field guarantor:
doc. RNDr. Jaroslav Beránek, CSc.