Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics – Field of study catalogue MU
Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics |
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The basic orientation of this study branch is to prepare a specialist in mathematics and to form their basic competences in departmental, paedagogical, psychological and communicative subjects.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- demonstrate the knowledge of mathematical terminology and be able to use it when explaining specific mathematical issues
- apply the acquired mathematical knowledge in their own pedagogical practice
- have knowledge of basic documents that regulate the profession of teacher assistant of mathematics at primary schools
- apply gained knowledge and skills into the profession of teacher assistant of mathematics at primary schools
- plan lessons, use combinations of various methods and forms of teaching, including modern approaches (project teaching, problem teaching) and assess them critically
- understand the issue of choosing relevant teaching materials for primary schools and be able to process didactic materials creatively
- be prepared to use modern information technologies in their pedagogical practice and collaborate in conducting e-learning courses
Characteristics of professsions and institutions where to apply the gained education
- paedagogical assistent of Mathematics for primary schools
- instructor in free.time centres
Standard length of studies is 3 years. A part of the studies is foreign language, basic advanced knowledge of the language is expected at the minimal level A2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), which is built on in classes.