Environmental Chemistry – Field of study catalogue MU
Recommended: Programmes catalogue
Newly accredited study programmes with plans.
Environmental Chemistry“Learn, discover, prove and apply” |
The goal of the studies is to prepare graduates with deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the area of chemical contamination of the environment and its results. Graduates of environmental chemistry acquire knowledge common to all chemistry disciplines and providing theoretical and practical foundations for their next study. This chemical knowledge is deepened in environmental chemistry, analytical methods, process studies and the effects of chemical substances on living organisms. Graduates study subjects aimed at transport and transformation processes affecting behaviour of chemical substances, characteristics of each abiotic and biotic parts together with studies of sources, occurrence, behaviour of chemicals and relationships between chemical substances and their biological effects. Further focus is on sampling, processing and assessment of the data in environmental analytical chemistry, including focus on quality assurance/quality control of the information as well as interpretation of data from laboratory and field experiments. The student gains experience of advanced separation and fractionation approaches and analytical methods for trace and ultratrace analysis of chemicals in all environmental compartments. In addition, studies include toxicology, ecotoxicology, risk assessment and topics in environmental technologies, as well as environmental informatics and modelling.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- define and solve particular problems in an independent and creative way
- use the knowledge of basic chemical disciplines to understand the occurrence, fate and effects of chemicals in the environment
- understand environmental aspects of human activities and evaluate technologies from the viewpoint of environmental impacts
- identify, analyse and suggest solutions to a wide spectrum of environmental problems
- safely handle chemicals, work independently in the chemical laboratory and operate a wide spectrum of instrumentation
- apply methods of environmental sampling and analysis to specific environmental problems
- design and carry out chemical experiments to explore environmental processes, fate of chemicals and their effects
- analyse measured data, interpret and discuss the results from monitoring studies and laboratory experiments
- combine their own results with the information from literature or chemical databases, evaluate their own and gathered information and produce scientific papers and reports
- predict and model the distribution of chemicals in the environment, their effects and risks
- present the results of their own work, discuss them and communicate on environmental issues in English as well
Graduates are prepared for jobs in both basic and applied research, managerial positions and anywhere else where environmental issues are in play. This includes practically oriented jobs in state or private organizations focused on analysis, regulation, control and protection of the environment. They are well prepared to do environmental measurements and monitoring, a wide spectrum of analyses in laboratories, and also to work with data and their interpretation. Possible positions can be found in industry as environmental managers, chemists or technologists. They can work in the production, processing, management, sale and disposal of chemical substances. Graduates are also well prepared for fundamental and applied research in industry, academia or research and development institutions. They are ready for work with scientific information, writing projects and reports, eventually teaching and supervising. Graduates are specialists of a high quality but they are also flexible, thanks to the broad educational background, to easily adapt in related fields. They are equipped with language knowledge and they can also do all named jobs abroad.
The standard duration of the studies is two years. Obligatory courses and selective courses and their continuations are described in the recommended study plan, and include a specialized seminar and a diploma thesis. Voluntary courses can be selected from the courses offered by the Faculty of Science, as well as other MU faculties (minimum 112 credits for courses in natural sciences, mathematics or informatics, including minimum 100 credits for chemistry courses).
The following rules must be obeyed in designing the study plan:
> The student passes the course C7777, Handling Chemical Substances, in every year of the studies.
> Before the final advanced state examination, students must pass all obligatory courses, and:
> 1) receive 8 credits for a specialized seminar;
> 2) receive minimum 120 credits for the whole study;
> 3) submit a diploma thesis;
> 4) successfully pass JA002 exam - an exam in English for Specific Purposes at the B2 level according to CEFR
In addition to practical exercises accompanying the courses, the studies automatically include gaining hands-on experience of the chosen specialization, i.e. independent work on students' Master's thesis projects. Students also participate in field trips to chemistry industries and are motivated to attend other internships and practical trainings. Some courses are provided by leading experts from environmental technology businesses.
The final examination includes three main areas covering theoretical knowledge and practical experience of subjects studied during the course of the Environmental Chemistry: (1) Environmental Chemistry, (2) Analytical Environmental Chemistry, (3) Toxicology and Risk Analysis. The final examination includes a defence of the Master's thesis. The defence demonstrates the ability of the graduates to present their own results within the context of the current state of knowledge in the specialization and broader discipline. The defence includes an oral presentation introducing objectives and the topic of the Master's project, addressed problems, methods used and results obtained. Graduates must address comments and questions in the reviews as well as answer the questions arising from the discussion.
Environmental Chemistry study programme, as a part of the Chemistry Master's programmes, extends previous Bachelor's studies in chemistry, where students can modify their further specialization by selecting courses with environmental chemistry focus. The study programme is via diploma theses linked to other programmes such as Ecotoxicology or Mathematical Biology.
Graduates of chemistry have theoretical and practical knowledge that allows them to follow up with a PhD study of chemistry or other related natural or technical sciences at Academy of Sciences or at home and foreign universities.