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European Politics (Eng.)

Study Europe in the heart of Europe!

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European Politics is a comprehensive program of study in the fields of comparative politics and European integration. The comparative politics component of the program covers basic theories, research methodology, empirical analysis, and comparative studies of the political developments and the party systems in European countries. This component allows students to focus specifically on the region of Central and Eastern Europe, to explore the experiences of post-communist transformations, and to acquire a thorough understanding of the political developments in post-socialist countries. The European integration component includes theoretical and empirical analysis of different international organizations and their interaction in Europe. Special emphasis is put on the study of the European Union and its enlargements.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • apply theoretical knowledge in practice regarding current issues in European politics, international relations, and international organizations;
  • interpret current political processes in Europe and their consequences;
  • interpret consequences of developments in the area of international security and the world economy;
  • compare strategies of European states, organizations, institutions in the global framework of international relations;
  • analyze the influence and impact of European involvement in solutions to global problems.

Graduates of the European Politics program receive training necessary for successful professional development in a number of professional areas. Typical job opportunities include consulting, research and teaching positions at universities, positions in the state administration, positions within the structures of political parties, and positions in diplomatic services. Further outstanding opportunities for professional development are provided by the institutions of the European Union, as well as by other international organizations. As highly specialized experts, our graduates may also work as journalists, analysts and lobbyists. Finally, our graduates can successfully compete in the business sector and work for private companies in positions requiring analytical skills and excellent knowledge of general developments in contemporary societies.


The standard duration of the European Politics program is 4 semesters. Typically, the first three semesters are devoted to coursework, while the last semester is a thesis-writing semester. Coursework consists of reading assignments, written assignments, in-class discussions, and in-class presentations. During the last semester, students conduct research and write their Master's theses. All courses are taught in English. The language of assigned readings, exams and individual consultations is also English.

Courses are divided into two categories: required and elective courses. Required courses constitute the core of the program. All of them must be completed in the course of study. In addition, the program offers elective courses. The number of elective courses taken must be such that the credit requirements for elective courses are fulfilled. Credits are awarded for successful completion of the courses.

In order to be able to register for the Master's in European Politics Final State Examination, students must earn a total number of 120 credits, out of which 78 credits should be earned in required courses and 42 credits in elective courses. Out of the 42 elective-course credits, 12 credits may be earned in courses that are not part of the European Politics program.


The program is completed with a Final State Examination that typically takes place at the end of the fourth semester of study. The exam covers two subjects: "Politics of European Integration" and "Comparative Politics of Europe." These two subjects correspond to the content of the required courses. Furthermore, an indispensable part of the final exam is the defense of the Master's thesis. The thesis should be registered with a supervisor in the semester prior to the last semester of studies. The length of the thesis must be at least 144,000 characters including spaces.


After completion of the Master studies, a student may continue further studies in any doctoral study program in the field of Political Science or International Relations. At the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University, a student can apply for admission to graduate programs in European Studies, International Relations, and Political Science (all are available as studies in English).


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: European Politics (Eng.)
Abbreviation: EP
Code: 6701T015
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N6701 N-PL Political Science
Faculty of Social Studies
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Social Studies
Field guarantor:
prof. PhDr. Vít Hloušek, Ph.D.