Chemistry of Conservation - Restoration

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The Bachelor's study programme of Chemistry of Conservation and Restoration prepares university educated specialists, who have basic knowledge of chemistry disciplines (inorganic, organic, analytical a physical) and are familiar with chemistry, materials, methods and procedures used in the field of care of cultural heritage artefacts made of selected materials - inorganic (metals, stone, ceramic, glass) and organic (textile, leather, wood, paper). Knowledge of museology and history of arts are obtained at the same time, students are taught to become a part of team of conservators-restorers. The goal of the study is to prepare workers who will (following ethical code) be able to join the process of conservation-restoration, e.g. accomplish or propose a way of material survey, determine a state of material damage or degradation, propose suitable processes and materials for conservation-restoration, accomplish the intervention itself and create a full documentation. With the knowledge of chemical and physical principles of processes, graduates are able to become valuable assistants to solve technological problems. They can solve problems concerning protection of complex collection funds. Students of a Bachelor's degree study programme of chemistry will receive theoretical and practical knowledge complying with the present state of scientific knowledge, research and development in all fields of chemistry (inorganic, organic, analytical and physical) completed with theoretical and practical knowledge of methods of conservation-restoration of selected materials and with general knowledge in the area of history of arts, museology and vocational ethics.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • perform experiments in a chemical laboratory including chemical compounds handling
  • propose and perform analyses, also using instrumental techniques
  • use specialized literature and databases to find relevant information
  • follow vocational ethics and standards
  • show knowledge of the history of arts and museology
  • propose and practise (basic) techniques of conservation-restoration of artefacts made from inorganic (metals, stone, ceramics, glass) or organic (textile, leather, wood, paper) materials
  • suggest solutions to protect artefacts and their collections (preventive conservation)
  • prepare specialized documentation, including photography.
Graduates can find employment primarily in institutions involved in the care of cultural heritage such as museums, galleries, archives, depositories etc. Granted with a considerable insight into materials and processes they have a great advantage in comparison with narrowly specialized professionals.

As graduated chemists they can find a job in regular laboratories or testing departments as well. They can find employment at places where it is required to combine theoretical knowledge with specific practical problems and processes.

Drawing up a plan of study students must follow the rules of the Study and Examination Regulations of the faculty and Rules and Conditions for Setting up Study Plans for a particular study programme.

The study plan is comprised of compulsory subjects (142 credits) and optional courses, or others, which will help students achieve at least 180 credits during the whole study.

A part of the Bachelor's study is a compulsory English for Specific Purposes exam (taken not later than in the fifth semester) and a physical education course. These items are awarded with 4 credits (2+2).

Students must attend C7777: Chemical Compounds Handling course every year. In the first semester there is a compulsory attendance at the lecture and students have to pass a test as well. In subsequent years lecture is optional but the test must be passed every year. There is no credit for the course C7777.

Remaining credits (34) can be earned for optional courses. Due to the interdisciplinarity of the study programme there is a wide range of courses available.

Educational field trips and practical training are mandatory parts of the study plan.

Practical training in a museum (or a similar institution), lasting at least two weeks is a compulsory part of the study.
1) Passing all subjects according to the plan of study.

2) Defending one's own Bachelor's work (thesis).

3) Passing the written final state examination. The examination is divided into three parts - chemistry (general and physical chemistry, inorganic, analytical, organic and applied), methods of conservation-restoration (stone-ceramics-glass, paper, wood, leather, textile, plasma, metals) and museology.

The final examination is at the same time an entrance exam to the consecutive Master's degree programme of Chemistry of Conservation-Restoration. Graduates can also continue studying in a different Master's degree programme (upon satisfying the admission requirements of the programme).

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Chemistry of Conservation - Restoration
Abbreviation: ChKR
Code: 1407R013
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1407 B-CH Chemistry
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science
Field guarantor:
prof. RNDr. Jiří Příhoda, CSc.