Lower Secondary and Language School Teacher Training in German Language

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The aim of this study field is to prepare primary school teachers for teaching the general subject – German language and literature.

The Master’s degree programme focuses on the study of the didactics of the German language and on forming the relationships between the particular linguistic, cultural, and literary disciplines and the didactics of German. The focus is on the linguistic-didactic output of all the disciplines and the practical application of all the knowledge to the pedagogical practice at the upper level of primary schools.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • able to speak grammatically accurately and without errors in pronunciation; his/her spoken language can thus become an everyday model to his/her pupils
  • understand the basic linguistic terminology and is qualified to enlarge his or her knowledge in the field of linguistics
  • study scientific literature in applied linguistics and linguistic didactics and draw conclusions for his or her own pedagogical practice
  • study scientific literature in applied linguistics and linguistic didactics and draw conclusions for his or her own pedagogical practice
  • compare his or her own culture to the culture of other countries and is able to lead his or her pupils towards this ability
  • take advantage of the modern information sources and to use them in the primary school teaching
  • arrange a direct contact with the target language countries
  • choose literary texts suitable for teaching at primary schools and work with them to raise the pupils’ interest and to develop not only their language competence, but also their personalities
  • choose literary texts suitable for teaching at primary schools and work with them to raise the pupils’ interest and to develop not only their language competence, but also their personalities
  • plan lessons, use combinations of various methods and forms of teaching, including modern approaches (project teaching, problem teaching)
  • creatively process didactic materials
  • flexibly react to changes and particular situations in his or her practice
  • develop professionally, based on self-reflection
  • co-work in conducting e-learning courses
The programme also provides qualification for the German language teaching at language schools and for employees in non-teaching positions requiring an excellent knowledge of German (e.g. in public administration).

Linguistic-didactic competence of the graduate is developed to a larger extent compared to the double-subject programme students. Thus, after gaining the necessary practice, the graduates can work as mentors (introductory teachers).

The standard duration of studies is 2 years.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Lower Secondary and Language School Teacher Training in German Language
Abbreviation: NJJ
Code: 7503T137
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N7503 N-ZS Teacher Training for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education
Field guarantor:
prof. PhDr. Věra Janíková, Ph.D.

The single-subject study is designed for graduates from the Bachelor’s degree programme Specialization in Pedagogy, the Field of Study Teacher Training in Foreign Languages - German Language, Bachelor’s degree programme Philology, Field of Study German Language and Literature at faculties of Arts, prospectively Bachelor’s degree programme Specialization in Pedagogy, Field of Study Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in German Language and Literature (double-subject study) at faculties of Education, prospectively for graduates from similar Study Fields.