Theory of Interactive Media – Field of study catalogue MU
Theory of Interactive Media“New media in art and culture.” |
The Theory of Interactive Media (TIM) focuses on the study of new media art. New media art refers to a wide range of artistic works and practices that reflect a key aspect of contemporary civilization – the pervasiveness and transformative impact on culture and society of information and communication technologies (ICT). The mission of the study programme is to balance the instrumental and utilitarian approach of informatics and computer science to the study of ICT by investigating creative ways to deal with new media while using methods of media philosophy and media aesthetics or media studies; in this way, the subject programme follows the humanities tradition.
The TIM study programme is particularly suitable for the ‘born digital’ generation, which is equipped with computer literacy by playing computer games, through relationships built across on-line social networks and the physical world, and by creating their own audio/visual works in the new media environment in which it is natural to see the computer as a tool and a place of creativity and interactivity.
Graduates of the TIM Bachelor’s degree study programme are oriented in the history of new media art, they are equipped with a basic arsenal of art studies and media studies terminology and methodology, and they have practical skills from the fields of academic writing, art criticism, and even new media creative practice.
This is the only study programme focusing on new media studies in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic which offers both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. The instruction is provided by qualified professionals with rich teaching experience who are often actively involved in organizing festivals, curating exhibitions, and producing new media art.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- demonstrate an orientation in the history of media art in Czech and in a global context
- use the basic terminology of art theory and new media theory
- write reviews on cultural production with a focus on on-line environments
- explain characteristics of audio visual production and new media art curatorship
- produce cultivated writing and know scientific text attributes
Graduates of the TIM Bachelor’s degree study programme will find employment in the field of art criticism and popularization of new media art that is an important part of the creative industries of the information society. They can become valid members of creative and organizational teams of new media art festivals and exhibitions. They can work in cultural and heritage institutions, where they can apply their knowledge of the aesthetic and communication strategies emerging in the new media environment. Many of them will use their skills working in media of various kind (radio, television, print, online journalism).
The standard duration of the study programme is six semesters. For admittance to the final state examination, students must earn a total of 180 ECTS credits, including 10 credits for the common courses (philosophy, foreign language at the B2 level, and physical education).
Students in the full-time study programme must earn a total of 170 (+ 10) credits for type A/required, type B/elective, and type C/selective subjects. Type A/required courses make up 92 credits (including credits for courses focused on writing a Bachelor’s thesis), type B/elective courses make up 70 credits, and type C/selective courses make up 8 credits.
Students in the double-subject study programme for whom the TIM is the main subject must earn 92 credits for type A/required courses (including courses focused on writing a Bachelor’s thesis). Students can choose from type B/selective and type C/elective courses offered by the TIM, the Faculty of Arts, and Masaryk University in relation to their professional interests.
Students in the double-subject study programme for whom the TIM is not the main subject must earn 82 credits for type A/required courses (including courses focused on writing a Bachelor’s thesis). Students can choose from type B/selective and type C/elective courses offered by the TIM, the Faculty of Arts, and Masaryk University in relation to their professional interests.
Students in the combined study programme must earn a total of 180 credits for type A/required courses (including courses focused on writing a Bachelor’s thesis). They must complete a foreign language course at the B2 level (students will select the appropriate course from the common courses template). Contact lessons are taught through intensive lectures and seminars that take place every Friday, 4 times per semester (exact dates are announced along with the schedule of the semester). Students can choose from type B/selective and type C/elective courses offered by the TIM, the Faculty of Arts, and Masaryk University in relation to their professional interests.
During the course of their studies, students should follow the study catalogue valid for their year of matriculation. The study catalogues for the individual years of matriculation are available at the Faculty of Arts website.
Practical training at cultural institutions is part of the type B/selective courses of the TIM study programme. During the six-semester study programme, students can complete two courses of practical training at cultural institutions (I and II), at a minimal extent of 40 hours each, in which they gain practical experiences in cultural institution workflow, festival organization, and independent art scene practice with a focus on new media in art and culture. The institution in which the practical training is taken is chosen after consultation with the guarantor of the subject. Usually it is a media institution, gallery, museum, or festival of new media art in the Czech Republic or abroad.
The Bachelor’s final state examination consists of two parts – a defence of the Bachelor’s thesis (for students graduating with a diploma) and an oral exam from the TIM. Topics of the final state examination are available here:
After completion of the Bachelor’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies in the Master’s degree study programme (after satisfying the admission requirements) of the TIM; graduates can also study teacher training in aesthetic education for high schools or management in culture, or other subjects focusing on contemporary art, culture, and media.