Physiotherapy – Field of study catalogue MU
Physiotherapy |
Students eligible for this programme are those who have completed secondary or secondary specialised education by passing the school-leaving examination, and who have also passed the entrance examination for this programme in accord with the requirements stipulated by the Faculty of Medicine of MU. The programme is not suitable for persons with reduced working capacity.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- use basic theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of rehabilitation and other medical specializations on which rehabilitation is based;
- explain the relationships between rehabilitation and knowledge from other medical specializations;
- apply different approaches of rehabilitation appropriately to the respective diagnosis;
- design a simple research model in the field of rehabilitation based on findings obtained through scientific methodology;
- reflect ethical values and positively motivate patients during their rehabilitation;
- use methodologically relevant findings to argue in favour of the therapeutic rehabilitation procedures that have been selected for a patient with a specific diagnosis.
Professional practical training includes continuous training during holidays after the second, fourth and sixth semesters, with a length of three, four and five weeks respectively. All training must be completed prior to taking the final state exam.
The final state examination consists of several parts:
1) Defence of the Bachelor thesis.
2) The theoretical part of the FSE is of a complex character and contains specialized issues from the following areas: therapeutic physical education and special techniques, fundamentals of diagnostics and therapy of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system and physical therapy.
3) The practical part of the FSE consists of performing a kinesiological examination, suggesting a rehabilitation plan, and carrying out a demonstration of medical therapy. After passing the FSE of the Physiotherapy programme the graduate obtains a Bc degree.