Physiotherapy – Field of study catalogue MU
Physiotherapy |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- Apply new theoretical and methodological findings in medical rehabilitation and other relevant medical sciences in practice.
- Explain modern development trends of comprehensive rehabilitation based on new medical findings.
- Apply highly specialized rehabilitation and physical therapy procedures as appropriate and based on the individuals’diagnosis.
- Develop a scientific research project in physiotherapy according to the scientific method, use methodologically appropriate arguments, and defend the findings of his/her research.
- Engage with patients who receive his/her specialized care within the current healthcare system following ethical principles.
As a part of the final state examination in the Master’s study programme, students defend their Master’s theses, which they write based on the current scientific knowledge within the fields of medicine and physiotherapy. Before defending their theses, students need to submit them and make them publicly available in accordance with article 38 of Masaryk University regulations and the provisions of section 47b of Act no. 111/1998 Coll. Thesis defence is oral.
The comprehensive theoretical part of the final state examination includes the following subject areas: general and applied kinesiotherapy including the latest specialized rehabilitation techniques in all areas of medical and preventive care (internal medicine, surgery, and other specialized fields) and the full range of comprehensive rehabilitation.
During the practical part of the final state examination, students are asked to perform specialized kinesiology examination, develop a rehabilitation plan and provide specialized physiotherapy treatment including highly specialized methods.
After successful completion of the Physiotherapy Master’s study programme, graduates earn the Mgr. degree.