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International Relations

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The study field of International Relations (taught in Czech with some elective courses taught in English) makes students familiar with most important issues of international relations, with strong emphasis on the theory of international relations, especially theory of conflict, deterrence, geopolitics, international political economy and philosophy of science.

Students can further specialize by taking elective courses focusing on the study of international organizations and selected states and regions, according to their own preferences.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • apply theoretical knowledge of international relations in practice of current issues of international relations
  • interpret the history of IR
  • analyze the main dimensions of IR (economic, security, social and international law)
  • reflect critically on foreign policy of states in selected regions
  • apply IR methodology

Graduates of International Relations can pursue careers in a whole range of fields, including work at analytical centres, in the scientific or academic fields, in the administrations of political parties, or in the media.

Significant opportunities may also be found in state administration and in the diplomatic service, mainly in international organizations (particularly in European Union institutions), as well as in the economic sphere. This range is naturally broadened if taken in combination with a second major (subject).


The programme's structure meets the requirements of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Requirements for successful passing of courses usually include final and midterm examinations/tests, essays, position papers, and/or seminar papers.

Students are expected to actively participate in seminar discussions based on home reading.

The grading scale adheres to ECTS principles and runs from the grade A - excellent, to F - unacceptable. The grades A to E are passing grades.

To be allowed to register for the Master's state examinations, students must obtain 120 ECTS (66 for required courses, 54 for selective courses). According to Masaryk University requirements, students also have to prove minimal language proficiency and complete at least one course taught in English during their studies.


Students can take internships at various institutions in the Czech Republic as well as abroad. They may serve at both institutions with which the department has an agreement of cooperation or at institutions where they arranged for an internship on their own initiative (such an internship is subject to approval of the department head).

Serving as interns, students will improve their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practice, they will gain new practical skills, develop their teamwork skills and individual iniciative together with time management skills.


The final state examination in the study programme of IR is oral. Aside from the defense of the Master's thesis, it consists of three subjects - International Politics, International Relations and Philosophy of Science and Methodology.

Students have at their disposal well defined areas of issues included within the three subjects, to which assigned questions are related.

Students are required to submit a final thesis of at least 144 000 characters.


IR (Bachelor's study programme)

European Studies (Bachelor's study programme)

Security and Strategic Studies (Bachelor's study programme)

Political Science (Bachelor's study programme)


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: International Relations
Abbreviation: MV
Code: 6701T005
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N6702 N-MS International Territorial Studies
Faculty of Social Studies
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Social Studies
Field guarantor:
prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Kříž, Ph.D.