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European Studies

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European Studies focuses on the political aspects of the European integration process. The Master study program deepens and extends students' knowledge of European integration and European politics. The core of the program consists of courses focused on the political system of the European Union, the Europeanization of political systems, and organized interests in the EU.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • apply theoretical knowledge of European integration to the practice of current issues of EU development;
  • interpret current political processes, interest group negotiations, and their consequences as well as the results of developments in the area of European politics;
  • compare strategies of Member States;
  • analyze segments of the political system of the European Union, including interactions among them.

Graduates of European Studies may pursue a career in a whole range of fields, particularly work in state administration and in the diplomatic service; this includes working in international organizations and especially in European Union institutions. Significant space for graduates can also be found in national political representative bodies, at analytical centers and think tanks, in the scientific or educational field, at the headquarters of political parties, or in journalism. This range naturally widens in the context of a second study program.


The European Studies program is a full-time single-subject program. The standard length of time study program is four semesters. The study plan is designed so that students can attend courses in the first three semesters and concentrate on developing their master's thesis in the fourth semester. By the end of the master's degree, students are required to achieve 120 ECTS, 60 ECTS for required courses and 60 ECTS for elective courses. Students choose elective courses according to their interests and intended professional specialization. During the course of their studies, students should follow the "Study Catalogue" for their year of matriculation. They can access the "Study Catalogues" through the faculty website.


Practical training is part of the study plan and is optional. The Department of International Relations and European Studies offers students various multiple-month stays at institutions in Brussels, such as CZELO (Czech Liaison Office for Research and Development) and delegations of Czech regions to the EU, but also in institutions in the domestic arena, such as the South Moravian Regional Authority.


The program is completed by successfully passing the Final State Examination. Students may take the exam after completing 120 ECTS and fulfilling university conditions.

The Final State Examination is oral and consists of two subjects - "European Integration" and "European Politics." General themes are available to students before the exam. These themes relate to the content of prominent authors in the field of European integration policies, such as J. Weiler, A. Wiener, T. Diez, or R. Ladrech. For each subject, the student chooses one topic by lottery. On the basis of this topic, a discussion among students and members of the examination board takes place. The primary objective is not to test specific knowledge, but to conduct a discussion reflecting theoretical understanding of the process of European integration and its application to ongoing political developments. Students must demonstrate knowledge of deeper orientation in the field of European integration as well as the ability to apply theoretical approaches and to interpret the various aspects and problems of European politics.

Part of the final exam is the defense of the master's thesis in the range of 80 to 100 pages of text (min. 144,000 characters).


After completion of the Master's studies, it is possible to continue further studies in any doctoral degree program (after satisfying the admission requirements); in particular, students may apply for admission to a doctoral degree program in European Studies.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: European Studies
Abbreviation: EVS
Code: 6702T002
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N6702 N-MS International Territorial Studies
Faculty of Social Studies
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Social Studies
Field guarantor:
doc. PhDr. Markéta Pitrová, Ph.D.