Information Technology Security – Field of study catalogue MU
Recommended: Programmes catalogue
Newly accredited study programmes with plans.
Information Technology Security |
This study programme gives the student a thorough knowledge of security in computer systems and networks, of cryptography and its applications. The study covers subjects from coding and theoretical cryptography to management techniques for IT and its security. The primary emphasis is set on preparing such a graduate who will be able to work in different roles critical for supporting IT security - a specific profiling, e.g. oriented more towards cryptography, technological aspects or security management, is decided by the student. This study programme focuses on areas of security in computer systems and networks, cryptography and its applications. The aim is to prepare such a graduate who will be able to work in a variety of roles critical to ensure the security of ICTs – specific profiling (e.g., toward cryptography, technological aspects or security management) beyond a common basis of the study programme is left to the choice of the student.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- understand the principles and architectures of common computer and communication systems;
- judge interdependencies and relations between system functions and components;
- design security solutions for selected systems;
- reflect system, business and ethical values, which are considered by parties involved/impacted and which impact system components when solving problems with/by computer and communication systems.
Graduates will work in different roles critical for IT security – specific specialisation (cryptography, technological aspects or security management) is chosen by the student.
Standard duration of studies is four semesters. In order to be admitted to take the final state examination, students must acquire in total 120 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. Required subjects constitute the basis of the disciplines. Students choose the selective courses according to their interests and intended professional specialisation. During the course of their studies, students should follow the course catalogue for their year of matriculation. The catalogue shows a recommended course of study including suggestions for selective courses. Students can access the course catalogue at the Office for Studies or through the faculty website:
The final state examination consists of a diploma thesis defence and an oral exam aimed at checking the field-related knowledge of the students. There is no written preparation to the exam and the student answers two to three questions asked by the examination committee. The final state examination typically takes about sixty minutes, half of which is taken by the thesis defence and half by the oral exam.
More information about the final state exam and the questions can be found at the faculty website:
After the completion of the Master’s studies, students may choose to continue their studies in any Doctoral degree programme at Faculty of Informatics (after satisfying the admission requirements).