Management in Sport

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The degree programme Physical Education and Sport focused on sport management is a three year Bachelor's programme whose graduates will be involved in management and marketing of sport facilities, clubs and organizations, in leisure activities, state administration, and in communication with the public. They will also be qualified for organizing and instructing free-time sports activities for the public.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • hold junior managerial functions in profit and charity organisations due to their knowledge of management, marketing in PE and the sports and tourism environment
  • apply basic economic knowledge to the financial managing of profit and charity organizations
  • master the basic knowledge of theoretical PE and sports subjects. They can also explain particular items and the relations between them
  • perform practical skills of particular sports related to their future profession in PE, sports or tourism
  • master the knowledge of methodology of kinanthropology as well as the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and can apply them to research projects. They can also analyse the acquired data, summarize it and draw conclusions
The graduates will be involved in the management and marketing of sport facilities, sport clubs and organizations, in leisure activities, public administration, and in communication with the public. The graduate is prepared to manage sports clubs, hold managerial positions in middle management in sports clubs, sports federations and associations, the Olympic Committee and the public sector. They will also be qualified for organizing and instructing free-time sport activities for the public.
The rules and conditions of the study plan are based on the fact that it is an inter-faculty study programme, involving the Faculty of Sports Studies as the main one and the Economics and Administration Faculty as a cooperative. The standard period of the study programme is six semesters.To be able to take the final state examination, the student must obtain a total of 180 credits in required and selective subjects. For all students there is an obligation to pass an examination in English.

Students must follow the study template assigned at the beginning of their studies in the MU Information System.

Work experience accompanied by supervision is an obligatory part of the curriculum for this field to an extent of 52 hours. Work experience starts in the fourth semester in connection with the theoretical subjects of Sport Management, for example Principles of management, Principles of marketing sports, Fundamentals of public finance and public administration, etc. The actual work experience is divided into two semesters. The first one is focused on the preparation and implementation of major sporting events. In the second one the department provides students with sports institutions with which they have been cooperating long-term and students will perform the function of shadow manager.

The work experience is an obligatory part of the study programme.

The final state examination is oral and consists of a defence of the final thesis and the subject parts.

The subject parts are specified at

After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue in further studies in any Master's degree programme (after satisfying the admission requirements). At the Faculty of Sports Studies MU students can continue their studies within the Master's degree in Sport Management.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Management in Sport
Abbreviation: MAN
Code: 6208R179
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B7401 B-TV Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Sports Studies
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Sports Studies