Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Christian Education

Honest citizens and good Christians.

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The study of Christian Education with a focus on the educational process opens the way for students to understand various forms of social behaviour, social institutions, processes and relationships. Studies in this branch present Christian education as a modern and socially beneficial academic discipline using the very latest information technology. Christian education does not focus on theological disciplines only but it also looks at philosophy, sociology, the history of Christianity and the history of art. Overall, these studies aim to develop professional, pedagogical, psychological, communicational and other personal and cultural skills as a basis for a subsequent Master’s degree in primary school Christian education teaching. The aim of the three-year Bachelor's programme is to prepare specialists with a university qualification for the profession of pedagogical assistant to a teacher of Christian education. The aim of these studies is active mastery of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to enable the graduate the independent and responsible performance of the profession. These studies of the field are conceived in such a way as to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the development of Christianity from ancient times to the present day. A week-long practical training is held and teaching of the didactics of Christian education begins in the third year.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • properly apply different methods of research including working with historical sources, literature etc.
  • work as a pedagogical assistant to a Christian education teacher
  • work as an instructor at a free-time centre
  • perform instructional and remedial educational work
  • work as a carer in a children’s home
  • work as an instructor at an after-school club
Graduates possess the competences of assistant teachers at schools.

Characteristics of professions and institutions where the gained education can be put into practice

- teaching assistent of science or christian education teacher

- instructor in free-time centres

The knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired during these studies form a basis for the competence necessary for work as a pedagogical assistant to a Christian education teacher and for instructional and remedial educational work. The given skills also represent full qualification for the work of an instructor at a free-time centre. It is anticipated that the majority of students will take the subsequent Master’s degree in which they will extend their knowledge in synthesising subjects and expand their practical skills to take in additional knowledge. Graduates of the Bachelor's studies can offer future employers their knowledge of psychology, practical skills in the use of information technology and language skills.

The standard length of studies is 3 years. A part of the studies is a foreign language; basic knowledge of the language is expected at the minimal level A2 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), which is built on in classes. This requirement does not relate to students studying a foreign language as their study field. To be able to take the final state examination the student must obtain 55 ECTS credits in the field in required, selective and elective subjects. During the course of their studies, students will be guided by the study catalogue for their matriculation year.
Teaching practice to the extent of one week in the third year is a compulsory component of these studies. Teaching practice is to be introduced into the Bachelor's studies in accordance with the new accreditation from 2017.
During the final state Christian education examination, students will demonstrate their theoretical knowledge of basic components of their subject specialisation, i.e. Biblical studies, theology, philosophy, history of Christianity and history of art. They will also demonstrate their knowledge of the formation and development of the didactics of Christian education and the position of Christian education as an integrating subject of social science education. The final state examination also includes the defence of a thesis, during which students will demonstrate their ability to formulate ideas and conclusions that provide at least some new knowledge of the subject studied. The final state examination is an oral examination. The purpose of this examination is to prove that the graduate is capable of holding a debate at an expert level. The aim of the final state examination is to demonstrate a general overview of basic concepts in individual disciplines and the broader connections between them.
The Bachelor's degree in this programme allows students to continue studying for a Master's degree in teaching at upper secondary schools.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Christian Education
Abbreviation: KR3
Code: 7507R065
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B7507 B-SPE Specialization in Education
Faculty of Education
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Education
Field guarantor:
prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Vaculík, CSc.