Cardiology – Field of study catalogue MU
Cardiology“Salus aegroti suprema lex” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- Collect the history of a cardiovascular disease.
- Complete clinical examinations of patients.
- Assess the results of ECG, laboratory tests, and other examinations.
- Provide adequate treatment or refer the patient to a cardiologist.
- Take into account the age and other individual characteristics of their patients.
- Assess patients’ comorbidities and their impact on the cardiovascular condition.
- Develop treatment and prevention plans as a part of long-term monitoring of patients.
The doctoral study plan is based on the students’ thesis topic and, most importantly, on the requirements of the supervisor. The standard length of the study programme is 8 semesters and during this time, students need to earn at least 240 credits. English is a required course; students choose from among the selective courses based on their specializations and interests. Students are required to follow the study regulations; relevant information about the study can be found on the webpage of PhD study programmes and the board for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Medicine website.
Students work at the facilities to which they belong, which is usually, but not necessarily the cardiology clinic. They are supervised by experienced physicians who are associate professors or have been approved as supervisors and who are employees of the cardiology clinic. Students work as healthcare providers according to the conditions of their residency (if required).