Biochemistry – Field of study catalogue MU
Biochemistry“Life processes viewed through the glasses of chemistry” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- understand at an advanced level the biochemical basis of metabolism, biological energy conversion and functional regulation in various organisms;
- learn to interpret and critically review primary research articles in biochemistry;
- learn how to design experiments, critically analyze, logically interpret and evaluate the experimental data, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of biochemistry;
- be able to collaborate with other scientists, including people of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds;
- learn to communicate ideas, results and conclusions effectively to experts in the field through written reports/publications, visual and oral presentations;
- learn to explain the importance and relevance of own research to an audience of nonscientists;
- learn how to write a persuasive and realistic research project proposal;
- become an expert in a specific subfield of biochemistry.
Fulfillment of the following conditions is mandatory:
1) Successful completion of elective subjects aimed at expanding knowledge in the general field, and deepening knowledge related to the dissertation work topic (20 credits). Within the individual study plan, and with the agreement of the advisor, subjects may be chosen from the curriculum offered by the chemistry department, other departments at the Faculty of Science, and from departments outside the faculty. Subjects may take the form of independent study with consultation. One of the subjects may consist of preparation of compilation of research sources on the topic of the dissertation work
2) Attendance of seminars in the field (together with students from the master’s fields in bio-chemistry) (16 credits)
3) Assistance in seminar and laboratory teaching in the bachelor’s and master’s programs under the guidance of designated teachers (20 credits)
4) At least one presentation in the English language before an academic audience (2-10 credits).