Biomolecular Chemistry (Eng.) – Field of study catalogue MU
Biomolecular Chemistry (Eng.)“How living systems function - seen on a single atom granularity” |
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- To characterize basic methods leading to obtaining information about 3-D bio(macro)molecular structure.
- He/she is familier with different techniques to represent 3-D bio(macro)molecular structure.
- Is able to characterize relationships between 3-D bio(macro)molecular structure and biological function as well as ways to influence the biological function.
- to present all the above attributes in written as well as spoken English.
1) At the beginning of each academic year, the student must attend a required two-hour, no-credit bloc lecture C7777 Working with Chemical Substances; attendance is a necessary requirement for enrollment in any classes in which chemical substances are handled (dissertation work, etc.)
2) During the course of study students must obtain 20 credits in courses expanding and deepening the student's knowledge selected from the subjects that are being offered at the Faculty of Science and other faculties of Masaryk University, and which the student did not take during his bachelor’s and master's studies. The suitability of a subject for doctoral studies is determined by the advisor. This category includes also XD101 Literature study (completed with a colloquium, 3 cr, can be enrol twice), C9870 and C8970 Scientific data presentation I and II (completed with a credit), S5030 (spring term)/ S5035 (autumn term) MU Life Sciences Seminar (completed with a credit, 2 cr) or XD104 Literature research (completed with a credit, max 5 cr).
3) Each semester students are obliged to complete NCBR seminar CC060 (spring term)/CB060 (autumn term) - completed with a credit, 2 credits.
4) Students re-enroll the subject Teaching assistance XD102 (credit value 1-10, totally 20 credits, completed with a credit), where they assist an authorized teacher providing seminar and laboratory teaching in Bachelor and Master degree programmes.
5) Students are obliged to enroll for and complete the subject XD106 Lecture for the scientific community (credit value 2-10, completed by colloquium), that demonstrates their ability to present the results of their research project at an international scientific forum.
6) Students re-enroll for the subject XD100 PhD Thesis (credit value 5-30, totally 160 credits, completed by the credit). Students are obliged to enroll the subject XD105 Scientific publication writing once during studies.
7) The student must gain 240 credits and successfully finish all parts of the state doctoral examination.
The dissertation must contain the results published or accepted for publication. The preferred form is a set of publications or manuscripts accepted for publication dealing with the subject of dissertation, accompanied by a comprehensive introduction and commentary. In at least one of the publications the student must be the first author. At least three publications in peer-reviewed journals with impact factor are required; when the combined impact factor exceeds 4, the number of publications may be lower than three.
The student must gain 240 credits and successfully finish all parts of the state doctoral examination.