Geological Sciences

Geological processes limit the development of the biosphere and human existence

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The programme focuses on the systematic research and creative activity in the following specializations: geochemistry, geology related to hydrogeology, geology of raw material deposits, quaternary interdisciplinary study, mineralogy and crystallography, paleobotany, petrology, regional and stratigraphic geology, zoopaleontology, and geoarcheology. Each specialization is supervised by at least one professor, associate professor or a research worker with the corresponding qualification. The specializations are closely related to the research activities of tutors, teachers, and the research aims of the Institute of Geological Sciences. The programme is often interdisciplinary; therefore, it builds up on the cooperation with other scientific institutions.

The proposed four-year doctoral degree programme of Geology is based on research and teaching activities of the highest quality which have been successfully developed at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University in Brno and the accredited participating institutions - Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague and the Department of Geology at the Faculty of Science of Palacky University in Olomouc. Such an extension of accreditation including those institutions is an important factor which improves the quality of the study programme and enables to admit students to specialized programmes that are not available at the faculty.

The demand for well-trained professionals in this branch of geology is growing at a theoretical level, and even more at the level of related applications: the need for the global research of the Earth and estimation of its potential development, the growing demand for raw materials of all kinds and water resources, and the need to tackle increasing environmental burdens caused by the enormous production of waste in all human activities with the resulting contamination of the Earth's surface.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • do an independent creative scientific work and solve complex problems
  • have an overview of solutions of the given problem and methodology employed by the top foreign institutions
  • present at international conferences and publish in both local and foreign journals
  • observe the ethical principles of scientific work
  • perform pedagogical work at universities
  • master the modern methods of geological research, survey, and interpretation of results
The doctoral degree programme graduates will find employment mainly in basic or applied research, e.g. at universities, Czech Geological Survey in Brno and Prague, Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Institutes of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences in Brno and Prague, and the Moravian Museum. Other employment opportunities are in specialized laboratories, environmental protection, and public administration authorities.
The standard duration of studies is four years.

A. Block of courses required for the application for the doctoral examination:

Before filing an application for the doctoral examination, students must earn a minimum of 80 credits for courses of this block in the determined structure; the subject GD621 - Specialized Publications Related to the Thesis (impact factor publications) can be enrolled in repeatedly, and can replace the credits for the courses of this block given in paragraph 4 and 5. This block includes:

1. Demonstration of language skills (English), especially by giving lectures in foreign languages at the international conferences, including the subsequent discussion, and writing publications in a foreign language.

2. Read literature relevant for the topic of the thesis - students earn credits for this in the GD001 course - Summary of Research. The summary should be sent in an electronic form and attached to the thesis archive.

3. Assistance in instruction in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes or preparations for instruction - students earn at least 6 credits in this GD001 course - Assistance in Instruction.

4. Specialized seminars - at least 4 seminars in geology and the course GD101 - Doctoral Degree Seminar (enrolment required for each semester).

5. Specialized subjects which expand and deepen the knowledge of the branch beyond the limits of the Master's degree programme; students should earn at least 80 credits for Block A.

B. Block of other required courses:

Before the defence of their theses, students must earn a minimum of 240 credits and successfully complete these required courses (Doctoral Thesis 1-8 worth from 15 to 20 credits per semester, Lecture in a Foreign Language at an International Conference, and Professional Publications).

The doctoral state examination is determined in the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University, Art. 31 and Art. 33. Students take the doctoral state examination in two subjects, one of which is chosen after the agreement with the supervisor, and the other is elective. Areas of the doctoral state examination are: Environmental Geology, Geochemistry, Historic and Stratigraphic Geology, Hydrogeology, Geology of the Raw Material Deposits, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Regional geology, Sedimentology and Sedimentary Petrology, Structural Geology and Geotectonics, Quaternary Geology.

The doctoral thesis may be submitted in two forms - a monograph or collection of published articles supplemented with a unifying text; at least three articles must be impact publications and meet the requirements of the course GD621 of Specialized Publications Related to the Thesis.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Geological Sciences
Abbreviation: GV
Code: 1201V003
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P1203 D-GE4 Geology (4-years)
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science