Algebra, Number Theory and Mathematical Logic – Field of study catalogue MU
Algebra, Number Theory and Mathematical Logic“Joy of abstraction” |
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The students are trained for the independent research in mathematics. They obtain the thorough knowledge especially in the chosen research specialization. Under the supervision of their tutors the students become acquainted with basic methods of scientific work in mathematics. Attention is also paid to the preparation for pedagogical activities at universities. The studies are organized according to an individual study plan, and completed with the state doctoral examination and the defence of the doctoral thesis.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- continue an academic career in the Czech Republic or abroad
- teach mathematics at the university level
- do research in mathematics in a research institution
The graduates acquire a deep knowledge in the topic and specialization of the doctoral thesis and a good overview of the whole branch. They are able to do research in the areas of the study programme and in related disciplines and their applications.
They are qualified for work at universities, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and departmental research institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad.
The standard duration of studies is four years. Students follow the individual study plan under the supervision of the tutor. It is completed with the state final examination and the defence of the doctoral thesis. Students should meet the requirements of the following disciplines:
- follow-up courses extending the knowledge of the branch acquired during the Master's studies;
- courses broadening the knowledge of specialized parts of the branch;
- research seminars; and
- participation in teaching.
It is not required.
The final state examination is oral - the students choose three of the six subjects specified on