Plasma Physics (Eng.) – Field of study catalogue MU
Plasma Physics (Eng.)“From electrons to stars” |
The most important part of the study is preparation of the thesis, which trains the student in self-reliant scientific work, developing the ability to solve complex problems and gaining a deep insight into the studied problem.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- carry out a self-reliant scientific work, namely in the field of plasma physics and physics of materials
- have a deep insight into plasma physics and chemistry, and surface modifications
- apply his/her knowledge to development and to industrial applications
The list of required and elective courses and the recommended sequence of these courses can be found on the web pages of the Department of Physical Electronics of the Faculty of Science.
The state doctoral examination is organized in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations at Masaryk University, clauses 31 and 33. Questions can be asked by each member of the doctoral defence board. The examination consists of a broader scientific basis and of specialized fields. A good knowledge of current scientific findings from the scope of the thesis is also required.
The thesis defence is organized in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations, clause 32. The thesis is based on independent results obtained during the doctoral study. These results or their part must be published (or accepted for publication) in reputable physical journals. The thesis also may have the form of a summary of published works with an introduction and a commentary.