Plasma Physics (Eng.)

From electrons to stars

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The field of study is aimed at experimental and theoretical research in the field of non-isothermic plasma excited at both reduced and atmospheric pressure and to plasma-surface interactions including deposition of thin films and nanostructure materials. The field enables specialization in plasma diagnostics, computer simulations of plasma, elementary plasma processes, thin film deposition, surface modification and plasma applications. A substantial part of this experimental research is aimed at processes that can be applied in a number of industrial technologies.

The most important part of the study is preparation of the thesis, which trains the student in self-reliant scientific work, developing the ability to solve complex problems and gaining a deep insight into the studied problem.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • carry out a self-reliant scientific work, namely in the field of plasma physics and physics of materials
  • have a deep insight into plasma physics and chemistry, and surface modifications
  • apply his/her knowledge to development and to industrial applications
The graduate has a universal education, particularly in the fields of plasma physics and physics of solid surfaces. He/she can relatively easily become adapted to other spheres of science, such as: material science, electronics, electro-technology, microwave technology, physics of the ionosphere, astrophysics, microelectronics and special chemical technologies. Due to the character of the study, graduates are able to employ the fundamental computer modelling of the elementary and chemical processes in plasma. They can make themselves useful as pedagogical and scientific workers at faculties of universities with scientific and technical orientation. They are well accepted as research workers in research institutes. They find employment as development workers in electron microscopy, microelectronics (plasma chemical etching and layer deposition or monitoring processes), powder metallurgy, quantum electronics (gas lasers and laser interferometers), material engineering, chemical industry, computer modelling and as programmers. Some of the graduates work in leading functions at central offices, ministries and the managements of important enterprises and institutions.
The standard duration of studies is 8 semesters. To be admitted to the final state examination students must obtain at least 240 ECTS credits. 210 of these are credits for required courses, including 140 credits for preparation of the thesis, which is the focal centre of the study. Remaining credits can be obtained for optional courses offered in the curriculum of the given study programme or for other courses offered by any other study programme.

The list of required and elective courses and the recommended sequence of these courses can be found on the web pages of the Department of Physical Electronics of the Faculty of Science.

The study is completed upon successfully passing the state doctoral examination and the thesis defence.

The state doctoral examination is organized in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations at Masaryk University, clauses 31 and 33. Questions can be asked by each member of the doctoral defence board. The examination consists of a broader scientific basis and of specialized fields. A good knowledge of current scientific findings from the scope of the thesis is also required.

The thesis defence is organized in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations, clause 32. The thesis is based on independent results obtained during the doctoral study. These results or their part must be published (or accepted for publication) in reputable physical journals. The thesis also may have the form of a summary of published works with an introduction and a commentary.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Plasma Physics (Eng.)
Abbreviation: FYPZA
Code: 1701V011
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P1703 D-FY4 Physics (4-years)
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science