Inorganic Chemistry

New inorganic compounds and materials for the future

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The aim of the doctoral study programme of Inorganic Chemistry is to prepare highly qualified specialists through scientific investigation and independent research in a narrow specialization of experimental or theoretical inorganic chemistry. The preparation is done under the supervision of a tutor. The study is based on the profound theoretical knowledge of the discipline, gained by completing chosen courses, and on the latest findings in the studied area, acquired by studying professional literature and attending scientific conferences. Students will learn to give a thorough critique of the information presented in the literature, and to share it, together with the results of their research, with the public by means of seminars and conference presentations. Further, they will demonstrate their pedagogical skills when assisting in teaching Bachelor’s and Master’s courses. The ultimate goal of the doctoral study, however, is to collect scientific material significant enough to be accepted for publication in renowned scientific journals and to learn to formulate the results in English, so that they are of publishable standard. In the end, students have to enclose their scientific results in doctoral theses.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • use gained profound theoretical and practical knowledge of inorganic chemistry in an independent scientific work
  • show a sound knowledge of selected specialized fields as well as of the broader discipline of inorganic chemistry, reflecting world-class professionalism
  • acquire new significant scientific data and results that could be presented at international conferences
  • convincingly present new results to experts in the field
  • prepare a publication, meeting the standards of renowned international specialist journals
The graduates of this study programme find employment in all the fields that require the knowledge of inorganic synthetic and structural methods of research. They are able to solve the assigned scientific tasks and gain new knowledge when working for scientific research institutions, such as: universities, institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences and other research institutions. They can also find work in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, environmental protection laboratories, in health care, agriculture, chemical process design, and many other commercial institutions, home and abroad. Due to extensive range of expertise, the graduates in Inorganic Chemistry are prepared for both: professional career in their specialization and smooth adaptation to work in other fields.
Students of the doctoral study in Inorganic Chemistry submit their study plans after they have been approved by their tutors. The study plans have to comply with the rules and conditions of the Chemistry study programme, available at The study plans comprise courses expanding theoretical knowledge, which are assessed by examination, and courses deepening the knowledge of the chosen specialization, assessed through colloquia. The main part of the study is writing up a dissertation, accompanied by Teaching Assistance and other courses, like a specialist lecture in a foreign language, DSP Chemistry seminar and a specialized seminar.
An internship abroad is a compulsory part of the study. It is a semester-long scientific stay at a foreign institution. The stay is usually part of the student-mobility programme or the result of the supervisor’s international collaboration. Via internships students show their ability to work in an international team of scientists.

A specialist lecture conducted in a foreign language is required in order to verify the students’ ability to present their results at conferences abroad.

In order to successfully complete the four-year doctoral study in Inorganic Chemistry, students must obtain 240 credits, as specified in

The list of subject areas tested in the final state examination comprises: modern trends in inorganic chemistry; structural inorganic chemistry and the methods for studying the properties of inorganic compounds; coordination chemistry; chemistry of solid phase and inorganic materials; chemistry of organometallic compounds. The requirements for a doctoral thesis are: gaining new information and publishing achieved results in a renowned professional magazine. The number of publications qualifying for the admittance to the defence of a doctoral thesis is determined by the following criteria:

1. The candidate is the sole author of at least one publication.

2. The candidate is a co-author of three publications in an impact journal when the total IF (impact factor) is not given, or is a co-author of two publications in an impact journal when the total IF value is at least four.

The graduate of the doctoral study programme in Inorganic Chemistry is qualified to be offered a post-doctoral position at universities home and abroad.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Inorganic Chemistry
Abbreviation: ANOR
Code: 1401V002
Type: doctoral degree programme
Degree: Ph.D.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: P1417 D-CH4 Chemistry (4-years)
Faculty of Science
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Science