Radiology Assistant

Using ionizing radiation to help the sick

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Radiology assistants are key non-physician healthcare professionals. The Radiology Assistant Bachelor’s study programme teaches the essentials of a healthcare professional’s practice as well as the operation of modern medical equipment. Graduates of this programme are healthcare professionals specialized in using radiological imaging and radiation technology in a wide range of techniques of diagnostic and non-diagnostic imaging as well as in using ionizing radiation for therapeutical purposes.

After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • Provide specialized nursing care in radiology facilities.
  • Communicate and engage with patients.
  • Apply ionizing radiation both in diagnostic examination and in nuclear medicine and radiation oncology procedures.
  • Reflect on his/her actions, find fulfilment in his/her profession, and continue to learn and improve oneself.
Graduates of the Bachelor’s study programme Radiology Assistant (Imaging Methods and Application of Ionizing Radiation) work as independent professionals in all settings that make use of or measure ionizing radiation, nuclear magnetic resonance, or ultrasound technology, whether for diagnostic imaging or therapy. They can work in both state and private healthcare institutions (especially in X-ray, radiotherapy, and nuclear medicine departments), veterinary institutions, research laboratories, and in a variety of private companies as well as in practical instruction. Graduates of this programme will also find employment abroad.
The standard length of this study programme is six semesters. Before taking the final state exam, students must obtain 180 credits by completing compulsory courses (the core specialized courses in the field), including courses that help students write their Bachelor’s theses.

Students are required to follow the course catalogue for their matriculation year during the course of their studies. Course catalogues for individual years can be found on the faculty website.

The curriculum includes 320 hours of block practical training during the summer holidays (160 hours in both the first and second year), comprising 80 hours of diagnostic radiology, 40 hours of nuclear medicine, and 40 hours of radiation oncology. Moreover, students must complete practical courses in all three above-mentioned professional specializations in accordance with the study plan during their fourth, fifth and sixth semester.
1. Submitting and defending a Bachelor’s thesis on a specialized topic before a final state examination commission.

2. Passing the final state exam. During the exam, students answer three questions from the areas of diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology, respectively.

The exam tests the knowledge acquired by students during the course of their studies and its depth.

After completing the Bachelor’s study programme and meeting any admission requirements, students can enrol in any Master’s degree programme. No Radiation Assistant Master’s degree programme is offered.

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Radiology Assistant
Abbreviation: RA
Code: 5345R010
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B5345 B-SZ Specializations in Health Science
Faculty of Medicine
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Medicine
Field guarantor:
doc. MUDr. Marek Mechl, Ph.D., MBA