Degree programmes and study fields and plans
Programmes and plans (new structure of studies)
Programmes and plans (new structure of studies)
Collapse all plansCST C1999901 C-U3V University of the Third Age
Name in Czech: Univerzita třetího věku
lifelong learning
Lifelong learning guarantor: Mgr. Svatava Kalná
lifelong learning
Lifelong learning guarantor: Mgr. Svatava Kalná
LLL plans:
LLL plans:
CST CV01001 VZK General Course
Name in Czech: Všeobecně zaměřený kurz
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01002 UM Art history: global, world, national
Name in Czech: Dějiny umění: globální, světové, národní
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01003 ZVP Healthy movement course
Name in Czech: Zdraví je v pohybu
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01004 VSM The universe around us
Name in Czech: Vesmír kolem nás
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01005 KA Course for graduates
Name in Czech: Kurz pro absolventy
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01006 KD Cultural heritage and monument preservation in Moravia
Name in Czech: Kulturní dědictví a památková péče na Moravě
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01007 KK Short-term courses
Name in Czech: Krátkodobé kurzy
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01007 MZM The University of the Third Age and the Moravian Regional Museum
Name in Czech: Univerzita třetího věku a Moravské zemské muzeum
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01008 UD Works of art and forms of their art-historical explanation
Name in Czech: Umělecká díla a podoby jejich uměleckohistorického vysvětlení
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST CV01009 TLC Course - University centre Telč
Name in Czech: Univerzitní centrum Telč - kurz
University of the Third Age, full-time
University of the Third Age, full-time
CST C1999902 C-CJV Language Centre
Name in Czech: Centrum jazykového vzdělávání
lifelong learning
Lifelong learning guarantor: Mgr. Alena Hradilová, Ph.D.
lifelong learning
Lifelong learning guarantor: Mgr. Alena Hradilová, Ph.D.
LLL plans:
LLL plans:
CST JV02502 CCTP Critical and Creative Thinking for Professional Problem-Solving and Decision-Making (closing out)
Name in Czech: Kritické a kreativní myšlení jako cesta k profesionálnímu řešení problémů a k rozhodování
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02103 CJK3 Foreign Languages for Everybody 3
Name in Czech: Cizí jazyky pro každého 3
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02104 CzPA1 Czech as Foreigh Language for professional and academic proposes 1
Name in Czech: Čeština jako cizí jazyk k profesním a akademickým účelům 1
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02105 CJK7 Foreign Languages for Everybody 7
Name in Czech: Cizí jazyky pro každého 7
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02106 CJK1 Foreign Languages for Everybody 1
Name in Czech: Cizí jazyky pro každého 1
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02107 CJK5 Foreign Languages for Everybody 5
Name in Czech: Cizí jazyky pro každého 5
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02108 CzPA2 Czech as Foreigh Language for professional and academic proposes 2
Name in Czech: Čeština jako cizí jazyk k profesním a akademickým účelům 2
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02109 CzPA3 Czech as Foreigh Language for professional and academic proposes 3
Name in Czech: Čeština jako cizí jazyk k profesním a akademickým účelům 3
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02116 CzPA4 Czech as Foreigh Language for professional and academic proposes 4
Name in Czech: Čeština jako cizí jazyk k profesním a akademickým účelům 4
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02117 LCSS LC MU Summer Schools
Name in Czech: Letní školy CJV MU
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02516 CzPAIK1 Intensive course of Czech as Foreigh Language for professional and academic proposes
Name in Czech: Intenzivní kurz češtiny jako cizího jazyka k profesním a akademickým účelům 1
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST JV02501 ASTP Angličtina pro soudní tlumočníky a překladatele
Name in Czech: Angličtina pro soudní tlumočníky a překladatele
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02503 TUPP Translation with Utilization of Plurilingualism in Professional Life
Name in Czech: Překlad s využitím vícejazyčnosti v profesním životě
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02510 CRT Creative Tools and Techniques for Academic Learning
Name in Czech: Kreativní nástroje a techniky pro akademické vzdělávání
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02511 AL Applied leadership
Name in Czech: Aplikovaný leadership
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02512 NSPT German for court translators and interpreters (closing out)
Name in Czech: Němčina pro soudní překladatele a tlumočníky
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
Name in Czech: Kurz dovedností English Mediated Instruction (EMI) pro hybridní výuku
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02514 ENAM Effective Negotiation, Argumentation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution in Intercultural Environment
Name in Czech: Efektivní vyjednávání, argumentace, mediace a řešení konfliktů v interkulturním prostředí
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02515 EIAT Communication of Evaluation, Feedback, Reflection, and Self-reflection in an Intercultural Academic Team
Name in Czech: Komunikace hodnocení, zpětné vazby, reflexe a sebereflexe v interkulturním akademickém týmu
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02218 ICA International Communication for Admin Staff
Name in Czech: Mezinárodní komunikace pro administrativní pracovníky
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02219 OIE Organization of International Events
Name in Czech: Organizace mezinárodních akcí
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02220 EIAT Communication of Evaluation, Feedback, Reflection, and Self-reflection in an Intercultural Academic Team
Name in Czech: Communication of Evaluation, Feedback, Reflection, and Self-reflection in an Intercultural Academic Team
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02221 TPT Techniques for working with (foreign language) text
Name in Czech: Techniky práce s (cizojazyčným) textem
vocational education, self study
vocational education, self study
CST JV02222 CC Career Communication course
Name in Czech: Kariérní komunikace
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02223 ECIT Effective communication within international / intercultural teams
Name in Czech: Efektivní komunikace v rámci mezinárodních/interkulturních týmu
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST JV02525 AILS AI Lab for University Staff
Name in Czech: AI Lab for University Staff
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST C1999903 C-TEI Teiresiás
LLL plans:
LLL plans:
CST TE03108 ITZP Assistive technologies for users with visual impairment
Name in Czech: Informační technologie pro zrakově postižené
interest-based education, full-time
interest-based education, full-time
CST TE03501 DYTPMC DysTest
Name in Czech: DysTest - Školení k testové baterii (MC)
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST TE03202 DYTP DysTest
Name in Czech: DysTest - Školení k testové baterii
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST TE03503 DYTOMC DysTest (online)
Name in Czech: DysTest - Školení k testové baterii (online) (MC)
vocational education, distance asynchronous
vocational education, distance asynchronous
CST TE03204 DYTO DysTest (online)
Name in Czech: DysTest - Školení k testové baterii (online)
vocational education, distance asynchronous
vocational education, distance asynchronous
CST TE03205 ATVSSN Assistive technologies for users with special needs
Name in Czech: Asistivní technologie pro uživatele se specifickými potřebami
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST TE03506 IPOZP Spatial orientation instructor for the visually impaired
Name in Czech: Instruktor prostorové orientace zrakově postižených
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST TE03507 ATVSSNMC Assistive technologies for users with special needs (MC)
Name in Czech: Asistivní technologie pro uživatele se specifickými potřebami (MC)
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
CST C1999904 C-UVT Institute of Computer Science
Name in Czech: Ústav výpočetní techniky
lifelong learning
Lifelong learning guarantor: Mgr. Marika Hrubá
lifelong learning
Lifelong learning guarantor: Mgr. Marika Hrubá
LLL plans:
LLL plans:
CST VT04501 DSP Network Detection and Response
Name in Czech: Detekce a analýza v síťovém provozu
vocational education, distance
vocational education, distance
CST VT04502 ZLSS Hardening of Linux Servers and Services
Name in Czech: Zabezpečení Linuxových serverů a služeb
vocational education, distance
vocational education, distance
CST C1999905 C-CZV Lifelong Learning Division RMU
Name in Czech: Oddělení celoživotního vzdělávání RMU
lifelong learning
Lifelong learning guarantor: Mgr. Svatava Kalná
lifelong learning
Lifelong learning guarantor: Mgr. Svatava Kalná
LLL plans:
LLL plans:
CST CV05101 ZADS Basis of Questionnaire Survey
Name in Czech: Základy dotazníkového šetření (Test)
vocational education, full-time
vocational education, full-time
Programmes and fields
Programmes and fields
Collapse all fields Name in Czech: Celoživotní vzdělávání
lifelong learning, 1 y.
lifelong learning, 1 y.
CST CVVT VT Information Technology
Name in Czech: Výpočetní technika
specialized education, language of instruction: Czech
specialized education, language of instruction: Czech
CST PREFEKT PRFKT Organization, Management and Project Management of Research and Development (Project PREFEKT)
Name in Czech: Organizace a řízení VaV a management projektů ve VaV (projekt PREFEKT)
specialized education, language of instruction: Czech
specialized education, language of instruction: Czech
Specialization: A Směr A
Specialization: B Směr B
Name in Czech: Informační technologie pro zrakově postižené
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Cizí jazyk pro zdravotně postižené
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Komunikace se smyslově postiženými osobami
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
CST psa PSA Pomaturitní studium anglického jazyka
Name in Czech: Pomaturitní studium anglického jazyka
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
CST SPAM SPAMU3V Spolek absolventů a přátel MU, Univerzita třetího věku
Name in Czech: Spolek absolventů a přátel MU, Univerzita třetího věku
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
CST SPORT SP Sports for persons with disabilities
Name in Czech: Sportovní výchova osob se zdravotním postižením
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
CST PKD PKD Pokusny kurz draft
Name in Czech: Pokusný kurz draft
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
CST RK RK Development of Students' Competences at the Masaryk University in the Sphere of Soft-Skills and Project Management
Name in Czech: Rozvoj kompetencí
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
CST VV VV Wine and Viniculture School
Name in Czech: Škola vína a vinařství
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
CST ILHR ILHR International Law and Human Rights
Name in Czech: Mezinárodni právo veřejné a problematika lidských práv
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: English
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: English
CST U3VMZM U3VMZM University of the Third Age and the Moravian Museum
Name in Czech: Univerzita třetího věku v Moravském zemském muzeu
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VPK U3VPK Prevence kriminality
Name in Czech: Prevence kriminality
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VABS U3VABS Course for graduates
Name in Czech: Kurzy pro absolventy
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VVZK U3VVZK General course
Name in Czech: Všeobecně zaměřený kurz
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VKD U3VKD Cultural Heritage and Historic Preservation in Moravia
Name in Czech: Kulturní dědictví a památková péče na Moravě
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VUOS U3VUOS Art, patrons and Artistic Styles in History
Name in Czech: Umění, objednavatelé a umělecký styl v dějinách
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VKK U3VKK Short-term courses U3A
Name in Czech: Krátkodobé kurzy U3V
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VUD U3VUD Works of art and forms of their art-historical explanation
Name in Czech: Umělecká díla a podoby jejich uměleckohistorického vysvětlení
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VZVP U3VZVP Health is in motion
Name in Czech: Zdraví je v pohybu
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VTLC U3VTLC Telč - General Course
Name in Czech: Telč – Všeobecně zaměřený kurz
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VVSM U3VVSM The universe around us
Name in Czech: Vesmír kolem nás
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST U3VDUGSN U3VDUGSN Art history: global, world, national
Name in Czech: Dějiny umění: globální, světové, národní
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
CST RODI RODI Pilot course for women and men on maternity leave
Name in Czech: Kurz pro ženy a muže na rodičovské dovolené
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST KVO KVO Civic Education in Primary and Secondary Schools
Name in Czech: Kurz Výchova k občanství
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST OEU OEU European citizen: perspectives and challenges
Name in Czech: Občanem v EU: budoucnost a výzvy
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST EUV EUV European Elections 2014
Name in Czech: Evropské volby 2014
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST JKCJV JKCJV Extended Language Courses
Name in Czech: Rozšiřující jazykové kurzy CJV
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Letní školy CJV
Thematic education, language of instruction: English
Thematic education, language of instruction: English
Name in Czech: MjUNI
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Základy vysokoškolské pedagogiky pro doktorandy
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK144 CRPK144 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Mentorský program
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Mentorský program
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Učitelská dílna
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK146 CRPK146 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Mentorský program
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Mentorský program
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK145 CRPK145 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Videoreflexe
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Videoreflexe
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK161 CRPK161 Workshop v rámci FRMU
Name in Czech: Workshop v rámci FRMU
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK101 CRPK101 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Laboratoř
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Laboratoř
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK61 CRPK61 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Laboratoř
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Laboratoř
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Učitelská dílna
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK142 CRPK142 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Mentorský program
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Mentorský program
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK141 CRPK141 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Videoreflexe
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Videoreflexe
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK143 CRPK143 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Videoreflexe
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Videoreflexe
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Laboratoř
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK121 CRPK121 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Učitelská dílna
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Učitelská dílna
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK182 CRPK182 Workshop v rámci FRMU
Name in Czech: Workshop v rámci FRMU
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK181 CRPK181 Workshop v rámci FRMU
Name in Czech: Workshop v rámci FRMU
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK183 CRPK183 Workshop v rámci FRMU
Name in Czech: Workshop v rámci FRMU
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK205 CRPK205 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Laboratoř
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Laboratoř
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK204 CRPK204 Vzdělávací program financovaný MUNI 4.0
Name in Czech: Vzdělávací program financovaný MUNI 4.0
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK203 CRPK203 Workshop v rámci FRMU
Name in Czech: Workshop v rámci FRMU
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK225 CRPK225 Workshop v rámci FRMU
Name in Czech: Workshop v rámci FRMU
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK224 CRPK224 Workshop v rámci FRMU
Name in Czech: Workshop v rámci FRMU
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK223 CRPK223 Workshop v rámci FRMU
Name in Czech: Workshop v rámci FRMU
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPK243 CRPK243 Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Učitelská dílna
Name in Czech: Rozvoj pedagogických kompetencí ve vysokoškolském prostředí: Učitelská dílna
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST RPT RPT Russian for Court Translators and Interpreters
Name in Czech: Ruština pro soudní překladatele a tlumočníky
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: The Sex and Gender Dimension in Biomedical Research
Thematic education, language of instruction: English
Thematic education, language of instruction: English
CST UVT1 UVT1 Secure management of research data
Name in Czech: Bezpečná správa výzkumných dat
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST CRPKD CRPKD Dílna rozvoje pedagogických kompetencí
Name in Czech: Dílna rozvoje pedagogických kompetencí
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST APT APT English for Court Translators and Interpreters
Name in Czech: Angličtina pro soudní překladatele a tlumočníky
Thematic education
Thematic education
CST CCA CCA Czech for foreigners in the academic environment
Name in Czech: Čeština pro cizince v akademickém prostředí
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST FOUNTEX FOUNTEX Foundations of University Teaching Excellence
Name in Czech: Foundations of University Teaching Excellence
Thematic education, language of instruction: English
Thematic education, language of instruction: English
CST NPT NPT German for Court Translators and Interpreters
Name in Czech: Němčina pro soudní překladatele a tlumočníky
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
Thematic education, language of instruction: Czech
CST NPO NPO Specialized NPO language courses
Name in Czech: Specializované jazykové kurzy NPO
Thematic education
Thematic education
CST RIG RIG Development of information literacy
Name in Czech: Rozvoj informační gramotnosti
additional education, language of instruction: Czech
additional education, language of instruction: Czech
CST ELK ELK E-learningové kurzy
Name in Czech: E-learningové kurzy
Name in Czech: School of Slavonic and East European Studies
short-term stay, 1 y., absolvent
short-term stay, 1 y., absolvent
CST 44EE EE School of Slavonic and East European Studies
Name in Czech: School of Slavonic and East European Studies
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
Name in Czech: Jazyková příprava pro studium na českých vysokých školách
short-term stay, 1 y., absolvent
short-term stay, 1 y., absolvent
Name in Czech: Jazyková příprava pro studium na českých vysokých školách
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: Czech
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: Czech
CST 55FLC FLC Foundation Language Course
Name in Czech: Přípravný kurz cizího jazyka pro studium na vysoké škole
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: Czech
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Letní škola slovanských studií
short-term stay, 1 y., absolvent
short-term stay, 1 y., absolvent
CST 66LS LS Summer School of Slavonic Studies
Name in Czech: Letní škola slovanských studií
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
Name in Czech: Central European Studies Program
short-term stay, 5 y., absolvent
short-term stay, 5 y., absolvent
CST 88CE CE Central European Studies Program
Name in Czech: Central European Studies Program
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
Name in Czech: Tesol Teacher Education Program
short-term stay, 5 y., absolvent
short-term stay, 5 y., absolvent
CST 99TT TT Tesol Teacher Education Program
Name in Czech: Tesol Teacher Education Program
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 99CT CT Celta Teacher Education Program
Name in Czech: Celta Teacher Education Program
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
Name in Czech: Komplexní studia
short-term stay, 1 y.
short-term stay, 1 y.
CST KIP KIP Short-Term Intensive Programs
Name in Czech: Krátkodobé intenzivní programy
Thematic education, language of instruction: English
Thematic education, language of instruction: English
CST 8999 MUS Multidisciplinary studies
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST EILC EILC Erasmus Intensive Language Course
Name in Czech: Intenzvní jazykový kurz (Erasmus)
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: Czech
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: Czech
CST 8911 MUSLF Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Medicine
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na lékařské fakultě
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8921 MUSFF Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Arts
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na filozofické fakultě
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8922 MUSPraF Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Law
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na právnické fakultě
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8923 MUSFSS Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Social Studies
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na fakultě sociálních studií
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8931 MUSPriF Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Science
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na přírodovědecké fakultě
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8933 MUFFI Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Informatics
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na fakultě informatiky
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8941 MUSPdF Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Education
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na pedagogické fakultě
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8951 MUFSpS Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Sport Studies
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na fakultě sportovních studií
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na ekonomicko-správní fakultě
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8971 MUSCEITEC Multidisciplinary studies at CEITEC
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na CEITEC
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
CST 8916 MUSFaF Multidisciplinary studies at Faculty of Pharmacy
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia na farmaceutické fakultě
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
Time the data were pre-processed: 10/3/2025 15:43