Degree programmes and study fields and plans
Programmes and plans (new structure of studies)
Programmes and plans (new structure of studies)
Collapse all plansFI B0114A300062 B-IVV Informatics in education
Name in Czech: Informatika ve vzdělávání
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 20/11/2018 – 19/11/2028
Guarantor: Mgr. Tomáš Foltýnek, Ph.D.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 20/11/2018 – 19/11/2028
Guarantor: Mgr. Tomáš Foltýnek, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I01001 IVVMAJ Informatics in education
Name in Czech: Informatika ve vzdělávání
Bachelor's full-time major
Bachelor's full-time major
FI I01002 IVVMIN Informatics in education
Name in Czech: Informatika ve vzdělávání
Bachelor's full-time minor
Bachelor's full-time minor
FI B0612P020001 B-CS Cybersecurity
Name in Czech: Kyberbezpečnost
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 23/6/2020 – 22/6/2027
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Jan Vykopal, Ph.D.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 23/6/2020 – 22/6/2027
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Jan Vykopal, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI CS1 BCS Cybersecurity
Name in Czech: Kyberbezpečnost
bachelor's full-time single-subject
bachelor's full-time single-subject
FI B0613A140003 B-INF Informatics
Name in Czech: Informatika
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jan Strejček, Ph.D.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jan Strejček, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I00103 IN Informatics
Name in Czech: Informatika
bachelor's full-time single-subject
bachelor's full-time single-subject
FI I00102 INFMAJ Informatics
Name in Czech: Informatika
Bachelor's full-time major
Bachelor's full-time major
FI I00101 INFMIN Informatics
Name in Czech: Informatika
Bachelor's full-time minor
Bachelor's full-time minor
FI I00105 INVEF Social Informatics (graduation) (closing out)
Name in Czech: Sociální informatika (na dostudování)
Bachelor's full-time, completion only
Bachelor's full-time, completion only
FI B0613A140004 B-PVA Programming and development
Name in Czech: Programování a vývoj aplikací
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Eva Hladká, Ph.D.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Eva Hladká, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I00701 PVA Programming and development
Name in Czech: Programování a vývoj aplikací
bachelor's full-time single-subject
bachelor's full-time single-subject
FI B0688A150001 B-BIO Bioinformatics
Name in Czech: Bioinformatika
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 24/9/2024 – 23/9/2031
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. David Šafránek, Ph.D.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 24/9/2024 – 23/9/2031
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. David Šafránek, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI BIO00101 BIN Bioinformatics
Name in Czech: Bioinformatika
bachelor's full-time single-subject
bachelor's full-time single-subject
FI N0114A300054 N-UCI Informatics for secondary school teachers
Name in Czech: Učitelství informatiky pro střední školy
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 20/11/2018 – 19/11/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Řehák, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 20/11/2018 – 19/11/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Vojtěch Řehák, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I00903 UCISS Teacher of Informatics and IT administrator
Name in Czech: Učitel informatiky a správce sítě
master's full-time single-subject
master's full-time single-subject
FI I00901 UCIMAJ Informatics for secondary school teachers
Name in Czech: Učitelství informatiky pro střední školy
master's full-time major
master's full-time major
FI I00902 UCIMIN Informatics for secondary school teachers
Name in Czech: Učitelství informatiky pro střední školy
master's full-time minor
master's full-time minor
FI I00904 rigo Informatics for secondary school teachers
Name in Czech: Učitelství informatiky pro střední školy
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0612A140001 N-UIZD Artificial intelligence and data processing
Name in Czech: Umělá inteligence a zpracování dat
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Brázdil, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Brázdil, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I00602 ZARD Processing and analysis of large-scale data
Name in Czech: Zpracování a analýza rozsáhlých dat
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00603 SUUI Machine learning and artificial intelligence
Name in Czech: Strojové učení a umělá inteligence
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00604 ZPJ Natural language processing
Name in Czech: Zpracování přirozeného jazyka
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00605 BIO Bioinformatics and systems biology (closing out)
Name in Czech: Bioinformatika a systémová biologie
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00606 rigo Artificial intelligence and data processing
Name in Czech: Umělá inteligence a zpracování dat
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0612A140002 N-PSKB Computer systems, communication and security
Name in Czech: Počítačové systémy, komunikace a bezpečnost
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Václav Matyáš, M.Sc., Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Václav Matyáš, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I00202 HW Hardware systems
Name in Czech: Hardwarové systémy
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00203 SW Software systems
Name in Czech: Softwarové systémy
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00204 PSK Computer Networks and Communications
Name in Czech: Počítačové sítě a komunikace
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00205 IB Information security
Name in Czech: Informační bezpečnost
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00206 rigo Computer systems, communication and security
Name in Czech: Počítačové systémy, komunikace a bezpečnost
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0612A140003 N-PSKB_A Computer Systems, Communication and Security
Name in Czech: Computer Systems, Communication and Security
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Václav Matyáš, M.Sc., Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Václav Matyáš, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I01301 HWA Hardware Systems
Name in Czech: Hardware Systems
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01302 IBA Information Security
Name in Czech: Information Security
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01303 PSKA Computer Networks and Communications
Name in Czech: Computer Networks and Communications
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01304 SWA Software Systems
Name in Czech: Software Systems
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01305 rigo Computer Systems, Communication and Security
Name in Czech: Computer Systems, Communication and Security
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0613A140003 N-TEI Theoretical computer science
Name in Czech: Teoretická informatika
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Antonín Kučera, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 5/8/2018 – 4/8/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Antonín Kučera, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I00302 FAPS Formal analysis of computer systems
Name in Czech: Formální analýza počítačových systémů
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00303 PPJ Principles of programming languages
Name in Czech: Principy programovacích jazyků
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00304 KVM Quantum and Other Nonclassical Computational Models
Name in Czech: Kvantové a jiné neklasické výpočetní modely
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00306 DAM Discrete algorithms and models
Name in Czech: Diskrétní algoritmy a modely
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00305 rigo Theoretical computer science
Name in Czech: Teoretická informatika
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0613A140005 N-RSSS_A Software Systems and Services Management
Name in Czech: Software Systems and Services Management
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Tomáš Pitner, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Tomáš Pitner, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I01101 KBA Cybersecurity Management
Name in Czech: Cybersecurity Management
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01102 SLA Services Development Management
Name in Czech: Services Development Management
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01103 SSA Software Systems Development Management (closing out)
Name in Czech: Software Systems Development Management
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01104 rigo Software Systems and Services Management
Name in Czech: Software Systems and Services Management
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0613A140006 N-RSSS Software systems and services management
Name in Czech: Řízení softwarových systémů a služeb
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Tomáš Pitner, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Tomáš Pitner, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I00502 SS Software Systems Development Management (closing out)
Name in Czech: Řízení vývoje softwarových systémů
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00503 SL Services development management
Name in Czech: Řízení vývoje služeb
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00504 KB Cybersecurity management
Name in Czech: Řízení kyberbezpečnosti
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00505 rigo Software systems and services management
Name in Czech: Řízení softwarových systémů a služeb
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0613P140002 N-SWE Software Engineering
Name in Czech: Softwarové inženýrství
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Ing., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 8/12/2020 – 7/12/2027
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Radek Ošlejšek, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Ing., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 8/12/2020 – 7/12/2027
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Radek Ošlejšek, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI dev DEV Design and development of software systems
Name in Czech: Návrh a vývoj softwarových systémů
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
Name in Czech: Nasazení a provoz softwarových systémů
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI N0688A140005 N-VIZ_A Visual Informatics
Name in Czech: Visual Informatics
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Petr Matula, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Petr Matula, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I01201 AZOA Image Processing and Analysis
Name in Czech: Image Processing and Analysis
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01202 GDA Graphic Design
Name in Czech: Graphic Design
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01203 PGVA Computer Graphics and Visualisation
Name in Czech: Computer Graphics and Visualisation
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01204 VPHA Computer Games Development
Name in Czech: Computer Games Development
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I01205 rigo Visual Informatics
Name in Czech: Visual Informatics
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0688A140006 N-VIZ Visual informatics
Name in Czech: Vizuální informatika
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Petr Matula, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 25/9/2018 – 24/9/2028
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Petr Matula, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I00402 PGV Computer graphics and visualisation
Name in Czech: Počítačová grafika a vizualizace
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00403 VPH Computer Games Development
Name in Czech: Vývoj počítačových her
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00404 GD Graphic design
Name in Czech: Grafický design
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00405 AZO Image Processing and Analysis
Name in Czech: Analýza a zpracování obrazu
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI I00406 rigo Visual informatics
Name in Czech: Vizuální informatika
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI N0688A140020 N-DL Digital Linguistics
Name in Czech: Digitální lingvistika
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 23/6/2020 – 22/6/2027
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Aleš Horák, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 23/6/2020 – 22/6/2027
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Aleš Horák, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI 1111 DL Digital Linguistics
Name in Czech: Digitální lingvistika
master's full-time single-subject
master's full-time single-subject
FI xyxyxy N-UIZD_A Artificial intelligence and data processing
Name in Czech: Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 21/1/2025 – 20/1/2032
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Brázdil, Ph.D.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 21/1/2025 – 20/1/2032
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Brázdil, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI xy SUUI Machine learning and artificial intelligence
Name in Czech: Machine learning and artificial intelligence
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI xz ZARD Processing and analysis of large-scale data
Name in Czech: Processing and analysis of large-scale data
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI ya ZPJ Natural language processing
Name in Czech: Natural language processing
master's full-time specialized
master's full-time specialized
FI yb rigo Artificial intelligence and data processing
Name in Czech: Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing
Advanced Master's state examination
Advanced Master's state examination
FI P0613D140017 D-INF Computer Science
Name in Czech: Informatika
doctoral degree programme, 4 y., Ph.D., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 21/5/2019 – 20/5/2029
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Petr Hliněný, Ph.D.
doctoral degree programme, 4 y., Ph.D., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 21/5/2019 – 20/5/2029
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Petr Hliněný, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I01501 DIFI Fundamentals of Computer Science
Name in Czech: Fundamenty informatiky
doctoral full-time specialized
doctoral full-time specialized
FI I01502 DIIA Computing Technology and Methodology
Name in Czech: Technologie a metodologie počítačových systémů
doctoral full-time specialized
doctoral full-time specialized
FI I01503 DIFIKOM Fundamentals of Computer Science
Name in Czech: Fundamenty informatiky
doctoral combined specialized
doctoral combined specialized
FI I01504 DIIAKOMB Computing Technology and Methodology
Name in Czech: Technologie a metodologie počítačových systémů
doctoral combined specialized
doctoral combined specialized
FI P0613D140018 D-INF_A Computer Science
Name in Czech: Computer Science
doctoral degree programme, 4 y., Ph.D., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 21/5/2019 – 20/5/2029
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Petr Hliněný, Ph.D.
doctoral degree programme, 4 y., Ph.D., language of instruction: English
Accreditation: 21/5/2019 – 20/5/2029
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Petr Hliněný, Ph.D.
Study plans:
Study plans:
FI I01601 DAIFI Fundamentals of Computer Science
Name in Czech: Fundamentals of Computer Science
doctoral full-time specialized
doctoral full-time specialized
FI I01602 DAICSA Computing Technology and Methodology
Name in Czech: Computing Technology and Methodology
doctoral full-time specialized
doctoral full-time specialized
FI I01603 DACSFIKOMB Fundamentals of Computer Science
Name in Czech: Fundamentals of Computer Science
doctoral combined specialized
doctoral combined specialized
FI I01604 DAICAKOMB Computing Technology and Methodology
Name in Czech: Computing Technology and Methodology
doctoral combined specialized
doctoral combined specialized
FI C1068801 C-TEV Thematic Learning
Name in Czech: Tematické vzdělávání
lifelong learning, with individual courses
Lifelong learning guarantor: doc. RNDr. David Svoboda, Ph.D.
lifelong learning, with individual courses
Lifelong learning guarantor: doc. RNDr. David Svoboda, Ph.D.
LLL plans:
LLL plans:
FI FI01501 UIZO Artificial Intelligence for Image Processing
Name in Czech: Umělá inteligence pro zpracování obrazu
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
FI FI01502 UIZT Artificial Intelligence for Text Processing
Name in Czech: Umělá inteligence pro zpracování textu
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
FI FI01503 SSOS Administration of Networks and Operating Systems
Name in Czech: Správa sítí a operačních systémů
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
FI FI01504 UPAP Introduction to Programming and Algorithms (Python)
Name in Czech: Úvod do programování a algoritmizace (Python)
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
FI FI01505 FMSA Formal Methods for Software Analysis
Name in Czech: Formal Methods for Software Analysis
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
FI FI01506 PMNA Advanced Methods in Design of Algorithms
Name in Czech: Pokročilé metody návrhů algoritmů
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
FI FI01507 ZBIT Fundamentals of IT Security
Name in Czech: Základy bezpečnosti IT
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
FI FI01508 DTAN Data Analytics
Name in Czech: Data Analytics
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
FI C3068801 C-PFI Individual subjects at FI
Name in Czech: Studium jednotlivých předmětů na FI
lifelong learning, with individual courses
Lifelong learning guarantor: doc. RNDr. David Svoboda, Ph.D.
lifelong learning, with individual courses
Lifelong learning guarantor: doc. RNDr. David Svoboda, Ph.D.
LLL plans:
LLL plans:
FI FI01301 JEPR Individual subjects
Name in Czech: Jednotlivé předměty
in accred. degree programme, full-time
in accred. degree programme, full-time
Programmes and fields
Programmes and fields
Collapse all fields Name in Czech: Matematika
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jan Paseka, CSc.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jan Paseka, CSc.
Name in Czech: Geografie a kartografie
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Rudolf Brázdil, DrSc.
Name in Czech: Chemie
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jiří Pinkas, Ph.D.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jiří Pinkas, Ph.D.
Name in Czech: Fyzika
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jana Musilová, CSc.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jana Musilová, CSc.
Name in Czech: Fyzika
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jana Musilová, CSc.
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one), 2 y., Mgr.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jana Musilová, CSc.
Name in Czech: Celoživotní vzdělávání
lifelong learning, 1 y.
lifelong learning, 1 y.
FI EL EL E-learningový prostor
Name in Czech: E-learningový prostor
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
FI 1801R003 MiVT Study of individual courses
Name in Czech: Studium jednotlivých předmětů na FI
education in individual courses, language of instruction: Czech
education in individual courses, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Studium pro ukrajinské studenty v nouzi
lifelong learning, 1 y.
lifelong learning, 1 y.
Name in Czech: Studium pro ukrajinské studenty v nouzi na Fakultě informatiky
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis)
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis)
Name in Czech: Komplexní studia
short-term stay, 1 y.
short-term stay, 1 y.
FI 8999 MUS Multidisciplinary studies
Name in Czech: Multidisciplinární studia
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
a foreign student's short-term stay for the purpose of study, language of instruction: English
Time the data were pre-processed: 4/3/2025 20:47