Personnel provision of the degree programme
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Doctoral committee
PřF ANOR Inorganic Chemistry
Name in Czech: Anorganická chemie
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech
Included in the programme: PřF D-CHE_ Chemistry
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech
Included in the programme: PřF D-CHE_ Chemistry
PřF ANORK Inorganic Chemistry
Name in Czech: Anorganická chemie
doctoral combined specialized, language of instruction: Czech
Included in the programme: PřF D-CHE_ Chemistry
doctoral combined specialized, language of instruction: Czech
Included in the programme: PřF D-CHE_ Chemistry
Internal members
prof. RNDr. Přemysl Lubal, Ph.D. |
prof. RNDr. Radek Marek, Ph.D. |
doc. Mgr. Marek Nečas, Ph.D. |
External members
prof. Ing. Aleš Růžička, Ph.D. FCHT UP Pardubice |
prof. Dr. Ing. David Sedmidubský VŠCHT Praha |
prof. RNDr. Petr Štěpnička, Ph.D., DSc. PřF UK Praha |
prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Trávníček, Ph.D. CATRIN, UP Olomouc |