Personnel provision of the degree programme
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ESF B-BA Business Analytics (closing out)
Name in Czech: Analytika byznysových dat
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 27/10/2020 – 26/10/2027
Guarantor: Ing. Mgr. Vlastimil Reichel, Ph.D.
Bachelor's degree programme, 3 y., Bc., language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 27/10/2020 – 26/10/2027
Guarantor: Ing. Mgr. Vlastimil Reichel, Ph.D.
Doctoral Board
Internal members
Mgr. Bc. Martin Chvátal, Ph.D. |
doc. Mgr. Maria Králová, Ph.D. |
Mgr. Petra Ráboňová, Ph.D. |
Representative for graduates employers
Ing. Mgr. Michal Rychnovský, Ph.D. MSc ADDVERY.BI |
Student members
Mgr. Vojtěch Hebnar |
Ing. Vladislav Jakubů |
Veronika Lengálová |