Mgr. Richard Adamík

učo 102693
Instructor EDUC FSpS MU
Room D33/336
Kamenice 5 – D33
Fakulta sportovních studií
549 49 3622 call
102693(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz, email forwarded to another address


Department of Physical Education and Social Sciences – Faculty of Sports Studies
RoomD33/336 (Kamenice 5 – D33, Fakulta sportovních studií)
Phone number549 49 3622 call


Kinanthropology, Faculty of Sports Studies
Programme FSpS D-K Kinanthropology, doctoral degree programme
Supervisorprof. Mgr. Martin Zvonař, Ph.D.
Study Modecombined, single-subject
Statusstudies resumed
Research topicInfluence of wearing school bags on the movement apparatus of younger school age children
PlanFSpS K Kinanthropology
8th term, 5th year