prof. JUDr. Josef Kotásek, Ph.D.

učo 1122
Department head KObchP PrF MU
docent katedry obchodního práva PrF MU
549 49 5153 call
1122(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz Josef(tečka/dot)Kotasek(zavináč/atsign)law(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz

Academic and managerial posts


Department of Commercial Law – Faculty of Law
Room248 (Veveří 70, Brno)
Phone number549 49 5153 call
Rector's Office (part-time cooperation)

Membership in academic institutions

Faculty of Law
Programme Boards
Doctoral Boards
Doctoral Committees
  • Doctoral Committee (fields of study Commercial Law, Commercial Law (Eng.), Commercial Law (Ger.), Commercial Law, Commercial Law (Eng.), Commercial Law (Ger.), Law Information and Communication Technologies and Law Information and Communication Technologies (Eng.))
Boards and councils
Contact person of the degree programme: