JUDr. Jaroslav Králíček, Ph.D.

grad. 2010, 2015, učo 170265
jaroslav(tečka/dot)kralicek(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz, email forwarded to another address


Programme PrF D-TPV4 Theoretical Legal Sciences (4-years), doctoral degree programme
Supervisorprof. JUDr. Naděžda Rozehnalová, CSc.
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D., in 2015
Thesis/DissertationThe Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and Jurisdiction under the Brussels I Regulation
Field of StudyPrF MEPS Private International Law
Programme PrF M-PPV Law and Legal Science, Master's degree programme
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr., in 2010
Thesis/DissertationThe Position of Consumer in Relationship Containing an International Element.
Field of StudyPrF PR Law
Programme CST C-CV Lifelong Education, lifelong learning
Statuscompleted (further education, lifelong learning)
Field of StudyCST PRFKT Organization, Management and Project Management of Research and Development (Project PREFEKT)

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