Official photograph doc. Mgr. Jan Cempírek, Ph.D.

doc. Mgr. Jan Cempírek, Ph.D.

učo 15719
Associate professor ÚGP VoZ PřF MU
Room 02009
Kotlářská 2
Brno – Pav.11
549 49 6450 call


Department of Geological Sciences – Earth Sciences Section – Faculty of Science
Positionassociate professor
Room02009 (Kotlářská 2, Brno – Pav.11, 1.p.)
Phone number549 49 6450 call

Membership in academic institutions


Programme PřF D-GE4 Geology (4-years), doctoral degree programme
Supervisorprof. RNDr. Milan Novák, CSc.
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D., in 2010
Thesis/DissertationCrystal chemistry and phase relations of Fe, Mg, Mn, Al-minerals in granitic systems
Field of StudyPřF GV Geological Sciences